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Congrats To The Newest “Play For Publisher” Winners!

Play For Pub

Congratulations to our newest “Play For Publisher” Top Ten songs and songwriters!

First of all, thank you to each of you who took a chance, took positive action, and submitted one or more songs to the “Play For Publisher” event with Tim Hunze of Parallel Music.  Ya’ll are just plain awesome.

Out of about 200 songs, it took a while to whittle it down to just 10.  We have a few country songs, some gospel, male songs, female songs, somebody raps, there’s a second-time submission (way to not give up), some solo writes, and even a work tape!

There were a lot of worthy songs sent in, and I felt bad about leaving so many out.  So just because your song wasn’t chosen this time doesn’t mean that it isn’t a good song.

You know, one time I turned a song in to my publisher, and they didn’t know what to do with it, so they didn’t want to do anything with it.  My cowriters wanted to demo it, and the publisher said they wouldn’t pay for a demo.

The song was called, “Crickets,” and we got it cut by Joe Nichols.  It’s the title track to his current album.


That’s right.  The song my publisher wouldn’t even pay to demo got cut anyway.  (My cowriters did an out-of-pocket guitar/vocal, and we pitched it ourselves.)

Welcome to Nashville.  So while I listened to each and every song and did my best to pick the ones that have the best chance of catching Tim’s ear… I could be wrong.  That’s just the way the music biz works.  So if your song wasn’t selected, it doesn’t mean you should give up on it.

Okay, here are the Top Ten (in no particular order):

“Steam” by David Hill, Gelman, McKinney

“Never Be Tennessee” by Curtis McCabe

“Some Days” by Barry McGuire

“Drink You Up” by Leslie Bowe, Karen Kiley

“Jesus, The Beatles & Me” by Donna King, Lee Black, Gina Boe

“Bent” by Mindy Gars Dolandis, Amanda Williams

“Leavin’ Town” by Chris Smith

“Girl In Every Song” by Jim Logrando, Sean Spollen

“Santa Fe Rain” by Roy Semlacher, Allen

“Grass Stains” by Pat Aureli, Todd Dickinson, Marty Dodson

The Songwriting Pro community would LOVE to hear your songs, so if you have a link you’d like to post to your “Top 10” song, please post it in the comments below!

Congratulations!  Tim and I look forward to hanging out with you on December 6.  (I’ve already emailed the winners the instructions about the online meeting.  If you didn’t get the email, please let me know!)

Like I said, the 10 songs above aren’t the only good ones I had the pleasure of hearing.  There are several more that were put “on hold” for the top 10 songs.  This list could be quite a bit longer, but I’d like to spotlight them, too.  (Ya’ll feel free to link up your songs in the comments, too!)

“ON HOLD” songs…

“One More”  by Marialaina DiFalco

“Hang Ten, My Friend” by Pat Aureli, Danny Myrick

“That Old Screen Door” by Pamela Lack, Jean Nolan, Bobby Earl Ray

“I Am Blessed” by Mindy Gars Dolandis, Chris Castle

“Blue Kisses” by Daniel Leathersich

“I Think My Buddy’s Broken” by Jason David Hiatt

“Mid Western Civilization” by Ed Daniels

“Favorite Shirt” by Rich Mahan

“Better Get Used To It” by Dave Quirk, Sherrie Austin, Will Rambeaux

“Just A Little Broken” by Allister Bradley, Dean McTaggert

These songs, along with others, were in there battling it out with the top 10, so be encouraged!

If you want to become a songwriting pro (in how you think, write songs or do business), then a great place to start is RIGHT HERE.  I want to help you on your songwriting journey.  I’ve been in the music business for years, and I’m here to help you get the cuts – and avoid the bruises.  CLICK HERE TO START HERE.

God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ruthie Collins, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.


Get a killer website design and help bring two orphans home!

Get a killer website.  Bring home two sweet orphans.

My friend, David Keltonic, does  freelance website design for small businesses and individual clients, and he has made a very generous offer.  He will do a website for someone in the Songwriting Pro community – and donate all the proceeds to our adoption fund!

That’s right- you can get a killer website designed – or redesigned- and help me bring my two new sons home at the same time!

You can check out David’s portfolio at:

If you want to work with David, just let him know it’s for Brent’s adoption fund.

You can also email David directly at:

If you want to find out more about the two amazing boys my family is adopting, you can CLICK HERE.

Wren Quill Sled

Thanks and God bless,


Great Advice From Our “Play For A Publisher” Event

Play For Pub

The 10 songwriters to join us for our first “Play For Publisher” event were great- but they weren’t the only ones to write really good songs!

I want to share some of the “honorable mentions” among the dozens and dozens of submissions.  If you’re one of these writers, keep going!  If you’re NOT one of these writers… KEEP GOING!

The 10 “Honorable Mentions” songs are:

“The Captain” by Kris Krumal

“Hand It Down” by Dave Udis & Michael Skottle

“Welcome Home” by Tami Dove

“Easier On Me” by Megan Brennan, Brett Sheroky, Tommy Cole

“Just One Night” by Dave Quirk & David Hill

“Olivia” by Colleen Brown Keenleyside

“Drinking With You” by Jeff Hodge, Palmer Lee, Blaine Younger

“My Happy Place” by Steve Probst

“Where Jesus Lives” by Dale Mercer & Briahnna Sullivan

Good work, ya’ll!

Chris Oglesby of BMG Chrysalis dropped some great advice on us all (including me).  Here are just a couple of the gold and platinum nuggets from the night (paraphrased):

“Assume the girl you’re singing about is in the audience and listening.  Especially when it’s a positive love song, make sure to weed out the lines that might offend her.  Just assume she’ll take things the wrong way.”

“Heart beats clever.  Don’t get so wrapped up in writing to the theme that you neglect to hit us in our emotions.”

“Be sure that it’s clear from the beginning of your song who you’re singing to.  Don’t take me out of the song by making me try to figure it out.”

“Don’t be too safe.  A publisher can always rein you in, but we can’t pull you out if you don’t go far enough.”

“Play songs for publishers that YOU love.  Don’t just play what you THINK the publisher will love.  After all, you probably don’t really know the publisher personally, so you don’t really know what they’ll like.  But songs that YOU love will tell the publisher a lot about YOU, and that’s valuable.”

The Play For Publisher event was so much fun, and the feedback was so good… let’s do it again!

Really, was it good?  Well, let’s hear from a couple of the participants.

“The combination of Brent’s talent as a songwriting teacher with some of the best ears among Music Row’s publishers makes this an indispensable event for any aspiring writer.” – Joe Slyzelia “Vinyl Afternoon”

“I just took part in Brent Baxter’s Play For Publisher event with Chris Oglesby of BMI. This was a great opportunity for me to get one of my songs in front of Chris and also to meet him personally. Chris listened to my song (and everyone else’s) start to finish and gave very useful and specific feedback regarding each. Chris and Brent took a lot of time throughout the night to answer everyones’ questions. This was very educational, helped me get my face and name in front of a prominent figure in the Nashville music industry, and honestly was a lot of fun. Thanks Brent and Chris for a great experience!” – David Hill “Are You Awake”

So, here’s the scoop:

Our next Play For Publisher event will be on Tuesday, December 6, 2016.  Our special guest will be Tim Hunze of Parallel Music Publishing!  Tim works with a staff of pro songwriters including Lance Carpenter (“Love Me Like You Mean It” – Kelsea Ballerina), Jon Mabe (“The Climb” – Miley Cyrus), Jenn Schott (“Two Lanes Of Freedom” – Tim McGraw) and more!  Tim is a real pro, and he has a lot of wisdom to share from his years in the music business.  And, I’ll be honest.  He’s a heck of a nice guy, too!



God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ruthie Collins, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.


Congrats To The “Play For Publisher” Winners!

Play For Pub

Congratulations to our “Play For Publisher” Top Ten songs and songwriters!

First of all, thank you to each of you who took a chance, took positive action, and submitted one or more songs to the “Play For Publisher” event with Chris Oglesby of BMG Chrysalis.  Ya’ll are just plain awesome.

Out of 160 songs, it took a while to whittle it down to just 10.  There were a lot of worthy songs sent in, and I felt bad about leaving so many out.  So just because your song wasn’t chosen this time doesn’t mean that it isn’t a good song.

You know, the only song I EVER had recommended to the NSAI Pitch-To-Publisher Luncheon was “Monday Morning Church.”


That’s right.  The song that would go on to be a top 5 country hit was passed on- it didn’t even get played for the publishers.

Welcome to Nashville.  So while I listened to each and every song and did my best to pick the ones that have the best chance of catching Chris’ ear… I could be wrong.  That’s just the way the music biz works.  So if your song wasn’t selected, it doesn’t mean you should give up on it.

Okay, here are the Top Ten (in no particular order):

“Hard To Forget” by Jason Hamor

“I Got Something” by Shane Grove

“River Queen” by Kim Kondrashoff

“Anyway” by Mikalyn Hay

“Vinyl Afternoon” by Joe Slyzelia (and Donna King)

“Are You Awake” by David Hill

“Where Will I Be” by Susan Giacona

“Heartbroken Song” by Isaac Slutzky

“Stinger” by Jerry Glidewell

“Country Music Makes Me Thirsty” by Andrew Cavanagh

Congratulations!  Chris and I look forward to hanging out with you on October 13.  (I’ve already emailed the winners the instructions about the online meeting.  If you didn’t get the email, please let me know!)

Lastly, if you’re the writer of one of the Top Ten and would like everyone to be able to hear your song, feel free to leave a link in the comments!

If you want to become a songwriting pro (in how you think, write songs or do business), then a great place to start is RIGHT HERE.  I want to help you on your songwriting journey.  I’ve been in the music business for years, and I’m here to help you get the cuts – and avoid the bruises.  CLICK HERE TO START HERE.

God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ruthie Collins, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.


Time to work “ON” my business!


I’ve written before about the importance of working ON your business verses just working IN your business.

Well, it’s time to take my own advice.

I’ve been so busy lately with work, family, adoption stuff, church stuff, workshops and keeping up with the blog that I haven’t been doing enough to prepare for the long-term growth of Songwriting Pro.

There are some cool things I really want to make available for you – things that I believe will help you grow as a songwriter – and things that will allow me to help MORE songwriters like you.

But I need to take some time to focus on preparing those things.

So I don’t plan on blogging any new stuff for the month of September.  But I believe it’s going to be worth it in the long run.  I appreciate your patience during this process.

If you want to check out some classic posts, there are several links below.  Also, I’m still taking entries for our first “Play For Publisher” event with Chris Oglesby of BMG Chrysalis through Sept. 24.  CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE OR TO SUBMIT A SONG.

Play For Pub

Here are those classic blog posts.  Feel free to check them out or just go bouncing around the site – there’s probably some stuff you’ve missed or would enjoy reading again!

God bless and see ya soon,








Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ruthie Collins, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.


Adoption August at Songwriting Pro!

Adoption August

“I will not leave you orphaned. I’m coming back.” – John 14:18

Okay, I’ll be honest.  This post isn’t about songwriting.  It’s personal.  If you want to bail out now, go right ahead.  My next post will be back to songwriting.  Thanks.

Well… my wife and I are adopting!

And, boy is it expensive!  So I’ll just cut to the chase.  For the whole month of “Adoption August,” ALL proceeds from the Songwriting Pro online store will go toward bringing our new children home.

If you’ve been on the fence about trying out one of the ebooks or courses, just know that your purchase will be used to help bring some precious orphans home.  I didn’t raise prices on anything- everything is at regular price.  So you’re not paying anything extra during this month.  I’m just setting that money aside specifically for our adoption expenses.


Let me introduce you to my two new sons.  Yes, I said two.

When God started us on this journey, we assumed that if we ever adopted (a big “if,” by the way), that it would be one baby. Possibly a girl. Now, here we are, adopting two sons, neither one of them a baby.

Meet Wren.


We first “met” him when he arrived in an email of children available for adoption. To be honest, he didn’t catch our eye at first. After all, we weren’t looking for a 12-year-old. It wasn’t until several days later, when someone at the adoption agency told Emily that Wren really wanted a family, that Em started thinking about him. And then she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

God broke Emily’s heart for Wren.

He moved my wife with compassion for this boy whom she’d only met through one picture and a few scraps of information. Emily asked me what I thought about adopting an older child. She was surprised that I didn’t run screaming from the room. Though it wasn’t something that I had “wanted” or expected, I was strangely at peace with the thought. But I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise. We’d been praying that God would bind our hearts to the heart of our new child. And that’s just what He was doing.

Face to face.

Emily recently went to China as part of a “Face To Face Journey” with our adoption agency. Their mission was to share love with the kids at two orphanages. To add to the amazing time she had there, taking children swimming (for the first time in their lives), shopping, and other activities, she actually got to spend time with Wren. He’s a sweet, shy boy. Being one of the older children in the orphanage, he helps out a lot with some of the younger ones.

The question.

Emily called me from China. She wanted to ask Wren if he wanted to be part of our family. She told me that children “age out” of the orphanage at 14 years old. Wren’s 12, about to turn 13. Soon, he’ll be too old to be adopted. We decided to invite him into our family.

Wren Emily

Emily had the translator ask Wren if he wanted to be part of our family, if he wanted to come to America. Shyly, he smiled and nodded, “yes.” Then he got excited and didn’t know what to do, so he ran off.

Emily still felt that God has two children for our family (that’s a story in itself), but she needed discernment. She felt she should talk to Wren about it. If he could bring anyone with him to America, who would it be? The answer was no surprise.

Meet our other son, Quill.

Cool Quill

Quill is Wren’s best friend. This special little boy has been in the orphanage his whole life. He’s six years old. Quill has cerebral palsy and lacks the use of his right arm. Wren is kind and always looking out for him. Quill doesn’t seem to let his challenges get him down. From the time Emily spent with him, he seems like a pretty inspiring kid.

Wren and Quill are like brothers. Soon, by the grace of God, they really will be brothers.

Wren Quill Sled

Please pray that the Lord will watch over our boys until we can be with them. It broke Emily’s heart to leave them- to feel like these are our sons, but then to fly away, not knowing how long it will be before we can bring them home.

Wren Quill Emily

Here’s how you can help.

You can help us bring our boys home by purchasing one or more items from the Songwriting Pro online store.  All proceeds will be going to pay for adoption expenses (we’re still about $20,000 away- yikes!).

If you would like to make a donation, follow our adoption journey, or see more pictures of the boys, CLICK HERE TO GO TO OUR ADOPTION PAGE.

God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,

The Baxter Family (Brent, Emily, Ozzy & Ruby Jean)

Baxter Family