Tag Archives: Songwriting

Don’t Be A Songwriting Victim

Man vs Row

Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

“The music biz is rigged. It’s all political. It’s a popularity contest. Nobody knows or cares about good music these days. You gotta be fake or a butt-kisser to get anywhere. They’re just lucky, and I’m not…”

Blah, blah, blah.

That’s victim thinking, and victim thinking, more than probably anything else, will keep you from being successful.

Victim thinking is devastating because it never lets you take personal responsibility for your life or your career. It lets you off the hook. Sure, maybe the odds are tilted against you. But at the end of the day, you can’t control that. You need to focus on what you CAN control, which is working harder, building better relationships, writing more competitive songs, etc.

Believing that success is based on luck or somebody else “choosing” you only encourages you to be passive- to only get what you are given. However, believing that you have the deciding role to play in your career encourages you to be active, to get better and to not give up.

Victims will stay victims. But you don’t have to be one of them.

God Bless,



To BE a pro, you need to THINK like a pro. In this complimentary report, learn the mindsets that help the pro songwriter get cuts, earn respect in the industry, and maintain long-term success in the music business. Just click on the picture below to download this complimentary report today!

The Pro Knows

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Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

Inspiration Is The Quarterback, The Songwriter Is The Receiver

Man vs Row

Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

If songwriting were football, inspiration would be the quarterback and the songwriter would be the receiver. Like any good receiver, we all want to catch the deep ball- the great idea that’s like a 50-yard touchdown pass. But, also like receivers, we can’t MAKE the QB throw us the ball.

However, there are some things we can do to make it more likely that inspiration will throw us the deep ball.

Get on the field.

Show up to work with your pads and helmet on. Nobody ever caught a touchdown in the locker room. You have to get into the game. Pick up the guitar or the pen and get on the field!

Run reliable routes.

You know you’re not going to get the ball thrown to you on every play. But you still need to build the discipline to be where you’re supposed to be when you supposed to be there… just in case. This means you show up to your writing room on a consistent basis. That way, in case inspiration throws you a great idea, you’re in the right spot to catch it.

Work to get open.

If you run your route halfheartedly and let the defenders cover you, they’ll either keep inspiration from throwing you a great idea, or they’ll knock it down before you catch it. This means you don’t show up to your writing space and spend half your time on Twitter or thinking about what you need to get at the grocery store. These distractions are like the defense- they’ll keep you from being able to catch that great idea. You have to keep your mind “open” to catching it.

Catch the short passes just like the long touchdown passes.

Not every pass (song idea) is supposed to be a touchdown. But just because all inspiration has been throwing lately are short passes, it’s still your job to catch them with good technique… then run like crazy.  That way, when inspiration throws you a touchdown, all you have to do with it is what you’ve done time after time with EVERY idea. You don’t have to freak out (and maybe drop it). You’ve prepared for this moment with every song.

Play like a champion on every play. Write like a champion on every song.

Go Team and God Bless,



To BE a pro, you need to THINK like a pro. In this complimentary report, learn the mindsets that help the pro songwriter get cuts, earn respect in the industry, and maintain long-term success in the music business. Just click on the picture below to download this complimentary report today!

The Pro Knows

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If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

What Songwriters Can Learn From “Burnin’ It Down” By Jason Aldean

Jason Aldean’s “Burnin’ It Down,” written by Rodney Clawson, Chris Tompkins, Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley is one of Aldean’s biggest singles to date. It’s (pun intended) burning up the radio, and fans are buying the heck out of it.

And most of you probably can’t stand it.

Am I right? Don’t you, as a songwriter, cringe a little at lines like, “I wanna rock it all night, baby girl, will you rock it out with me…” My wife feels dirty just listening to it (and not in a good way).

But if you want to get cuts…


Here are some lessons for us all:

Right beats great.

I’m sure none of the songwriters would hold this one up as their best work, as their greatest song. But it’s the RIGHT song for Jason and the right song for his audience.

It fills a gap in his brand.

Musically, it fits in beside “Dirt Road Anthem,” but the concept is very different. Lyrically, it’s closer to “Don’t You Wanna Stay,” but it’s way more sexual. It pushes the outer edge of Aldean’s catalog, taking it to a new place. He hasn’t quite done this song before, yet it’s undeniably a Jason Aldean song.

I probably couldn’t get this song cut.

This is where proximity wins. These guys could give it directly to Aldean. They didn’t have to go through several gatekeepers, many of whom might have either hated it or just not “gotten” it.  The fewer people who have to say “yes” to your song, the fewer people there are that might say “no.”

Those lyrics are… what they are… for a reason.

The songwriters on this song are real-deal writers. They aren’t just lucky hacks. No, they made those lyrical choices for a reason. They know Aldean’s brand, and they bet his audience would eat that mess up.

And they were right.

You might or might not think it’s a dumb song. But the writers? They’re definitely smart.  What do you think?

[polldaddy poll=8408345]

God Bless,


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdImDqbgc2g]


To BE a pro, you need to THINK like a pro. In this complimentary report, learn the mindsets that help the pro songwriter get cuts, earn respect in the industry, and maintain long-term success in the music business. Just click on the picture below to download this complimentary report today!

The Pro Knows

Become an MvR VIP!

If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

Why You Shouldn’t Trash Talk In Nashville

Man vs Row

Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

Imagine it’s your 1st month after moving to Nashville and you’re at 12th & Porter catching a local band. You strike up conversation with a guy by the bar. Of course, the conversation turns to music, and you comment how the band you just saw has songs a lot better than “that crappy song that just went #1.” The guy gets a funny look on his face and says, “Hi, I’m the guy that wrote that crappy song that just went #1.”

Think you’ll get a cowrite out of that?

Nashville is a big city, but Music Row is a small town.

If you walk around spouting off about how this hit is a piece of junk or that writer is a hack, it’s gonna come back around and bite you in the backside.

Even if you don’t insult the writer to his or her face, your comments might be overheard by that writer’s friend, publisher, or cowriter. It’s a relationship business, and badmouthing somebody or his work is no way to build strong relationships of your own.

If you want to point out how your music is different from what someone else does, that’s fine. Say how you’re different. But appreciate the success of others even if you don’t like their songs.

The fact is, like it or not, that writer and those songs have obtained a level of success that most never will.

Trying to learn how they got their success is going to serve you a whole lot better than hating on them ever will.

What about you? Have you ever learned from a song that isn’t your musical cup of tea? Or have you been like the poor soul at the beginning of this post who stuck his boot in his mouth?

God Bless,



To BE a pro, you need to THINK like a pro. In this complimentary report, learn the mindsets that help the pro songwriter get cuts, earn respect in the industry, and maintain long-term success in the music business. Just click on the picture below to download this complimentary report today!

The Pro Knows

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If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

Boo! Songwriting Vampires, Zombies & Werewolves

Man vs Row

Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

In the spirit of Halloween, I figure now is a good time to warn you about a few of the ghouls who prey upon unsuspecting songwriters.



There are people out there who will suck the life out of your dreams. Dwelling in (and on) the darkness, these predators never see the bright side or the silver living. Little by little, their biting comments slowly bleed you of your hope and optimism (“What makes you so special?” “Oh, the music biz is rigged- you’ll never make it.”). They might look like your friends, but they are dead inside. Avoid these vampires- once their negative, pessimistic attitudes sinks its teeth into you, you start to become one of them.


They are among us, and their number is legion. They shuffle off to their soul-sucking day jobs like a mindless herd. They never dream. They just respond to whatever happens to be in front of them. They stagger back home and sit mindlessly in front of a TV or computer screen for hours feasting upon whatever catches their eye (“lights… sooo… preeetttyy…) It’s easy to turn into a zombie because being a zombie means doing the easy, numb, thoughtless thing. Spend too much of your time with the zombies and you’ll wake up one day to realize you’ve been sleepwalking through life.


If you want songwriting success, you must avoid running with a pack of werewolves. These are folks who only “turn into” songwriters about once a month. The majority of the time, you’d never suspect they have that hidden side. They think they can just go about “normal life” for a few weeks, then suddenly unleash their inner songwriter for a night or two and somehow make a killing in the music business. No, the music biz is not so easily tamed. You can’t just go into beast mode on rare occasions and create a career. You need to run with a pack that is ALWAYS hungry and ALWAYS hunting. Don’t be a werewolf. Be a REAL wolf.

What about you?  What are some songwriting ghouls that you have encountered?  I’d love to hear from you!

Happy HOWLoween!



To BE a pro, you need to THINK like a pro. In this complimentary report, learn the mindsets that help the pro songwriter get cuts, earn respect in the industry, and maintain long-term success in the music business. Just click on the picture below to download this complimentary report today!

The Pro Knows

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If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

How To Keep Your Head In The Songwriting Game

Man vs Row

If you’re a professional songwriter living in Nashville, it’s pretty easy to keep your head in the game. It’s really easy to keep your goals in mind because it’s in your face every day.
That’s very much NOT the case if you’re working a regular job in another town. Add to that any family obligations you may have, and it can be pretty easy to stop thinking like a songwriter. One day you might look up and realize it’s been two months or more since you’ve really even picked up the pen or guitar.
Yes, there are natural ebbs and flows to the creative life. And, yes, there are times when family needs will limit your writing time (I couldn’t do any co-writing for about 3 months right after Ruby Jean was born and Emily needed me at home every night). Hey, stuff happens.
I suggest keeping your head in the game by appointment and subscription.



I don’t just start thinking about my cowrite as I’m walking in the door of the writer’s room. I’m thinking about it ahead of time. The appointment forces me to spend time gathering ideas, prepping, etc.

Solo Writing:

It’s very easy to skip out on solo writing in the midst of daily life. Try to have a standing appointment with yourself, even if it’s just every other week. Hopefully, you’ll find some other times, too. But if nothing else, you (and your family) know that “every other Thursday night” is your writing time.



Get informed, educated, entertained and inspired- all from your inbox. I humbly suggest Man vs. Row, but there are several other good blogs, too.


I haven’t found an abundance of songwriting podcasts, but I can recommend Daredevil Productions and Life In The Woods. Podcasts are great for your commute to and from work.


Try Rick Barker’s “25 Minutes From Nashville.” It’s good stuff from a guy who has had a hand in a lot of success.  There are other channels out there, too.  Just look around.


Check out American Songwriter and Music Row Magazine, among others. Turn the hall bathroom into your own personal “inspiration zone.”

What about you? How do you keep your head in the game?

God Bless,


This Thursday- Learn How To Make Your Songs More Cut-Worthy!

You’re invited to be a part of an exclusive ONLINE Google Hangout I’ll be hosting on Thursday, October 23, from 8pm-9pm Central. That’s this week! In this live event, I’ll teach from my new book, “Cut/able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting.” Not only will you receive a FREE copy of “Cut/able” with your ticket, I’ll answer your questions face-to-face as we discus how you can make your songs more market-smart. Space is very limited, so click on the image below to find out more! (Or click here.)

MvR Top 10 2

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If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

MvR Live Event: Cut/able Top 10 Workshop!

MvR Top 10 2

On Thursday, October 23, 8pm-9pm Central, I’m hosting a live Top 10 Workshop.  I’ll answer questions and share extra content from my new ebook, “Cut/able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting.” You’ll get “Cut/able” FREE with your ticket (a $20 value), so you’re ready for the workshop ahead of time.  Oh, and there are only 8 spots available, so don’t wait!

SO, WHAT IS “Cut/able?”

“Cut/Able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting” is four powerful lessons for songwriters who want cuts and hits, who want to learn how to write commercially marketable songs, and who want their songs to connect powerfully with both fans and Music Row pros.

“Cut/able” exists to help you write songs that fit the commercial market- songs that are “market-smart.” Each of these four powerful lessons challenge you to take an in-depth look at current and recent country hits and compare them to YOUR best songs.

WHO IS “Cut/able” FOR?

*Songwriters who want cuts and hits.
*Songwriters who want to better understand market-smart songwriting.
*Singer-songwriters who want their songs to connect more deeply and successfully with their fans and radio.

“Cut/able” isn’t about “___, ___ and ___ is popular right now, so write that.” No, it’s much more than that. It’s about teaching you how to study the charts and radio so you can identify what kind of songs are market-smart at any time.

Not only that, “Cut/able” helps you add the characteristics of market-smart songs to YOUR songs.


Connect on a deeper level with the artist and listener through effective use of imagery. (Lesson #1: W.I.L.L.power: Proving Personality & Emotions Through Your Lyrics)

Give the artists what they need, give radio what it wants, and give the fans what they like by learning the importance of writing positive, uptempo, love/depth songs. (Lesson #2: P.U.L.’D To Success: The Value of Positive, Uptempo, Love/Depth Songs)

Develop skills to identify an artist’s “brand” so you can write songs that fit that brand and speak to the artist’s core audience. (Lesson #3: Neighborhoods: Where Will You Build A Home For Your Song?)

Pinpoint areas of opportunity within an artist’s catalog- slots you can fill with your songs, songs that fit the artist’s brand without being just like what they’ve already done. (Lesson #4: Fill The G.A.P.S.: Growth, Achievement, Preaching/Positioning, Songwriting)

I’d love to have you join me at the workshop!  If you can’t make it, “Cut/able” is available for sale on its own- and it’s super-helpful all by itself.

So, if you’re interested, just click on the link below to find out more and purchase tickets.  Remember, there are only a few tickets left!


God Bless,



“Cut/Able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting” is four powerful lessons for songwriters who want cuts & hits, who want to learn how to write commercially marketable songs, & who want their songs to connect powerfully with both fans and Music Row pros. If you want those results, these lessons can help. To get a FREE EXCERPT of “Cut/able,” just click on the image below:


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If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

Your Chorus Is Your Punchline

Man vs Row

In certain ways, writing songs is like writing jokes.

You start with your setup, or your verse. You tell a story which draw your listeners in. Then you hit them with your punchline, or your chorus. That’s your big emotional highpoint of the joke / song.

But here’s the difference…

When we write songs, we don’t hit the punchline and then move on to the next joke. With songwriting, we have to write a 2nd verse that leads right back into the same punchline- and we have to write it so well that it’s an even MORE powerful emotional moment- then maybe we write a bridge and do it again!

That’s hard.

And it’s no laughing matter.

God Bless,


Learn How To Make Your Songs More Cut-Worthy!

Man vs. Row invites you to be a part of an exclusive Google Hangout I’ll be hosting on Thursday, October 23, from 8pm-9pm Central. In this live event, I’ll teach from my new book, “Cut/able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting.”  Not only will you receive a FREE copy of “Cut/able” with your ticket, I’ll answer YOUR questions face-to-face as we discus how YOU can make your songs more market-smart.  Space is very limited, so click on the image below to find out more!  (Or click here.)

MvR Top 10 2

Become an MvR VIP!

If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

Are You Writing Your Song From The Best Point Of View?

Man vs Row

Sometimes we hit a roadblock with our song because we’re writing from the wrong point of view.

Let’s say you’re writing about domestic abuse. (I know, I know. It’s an uplifting topic, but bear with me.) Consider all the characters your singer could be:

The abusive husband.
The abused wife.
The child who is a witness / victim.
The neighbor who overhears them.
The police officer called to the scene.

And these are only some of the PEOPLE who could tell the story. If you get a little further out there, your singer could even be:

The wedding ring.
The family dog.
The hole he punched in the wall.
The bathroom mirror where she puts on makeup to cover the bruises.
The angel who comforts the child hiding under the bed.
God, watching the whole thing.

Or your singer could simply act as a reporter who says, “he did this, she did that,” and isn’t involved in the story as a character.

The options are pretty limitless. And each point of view will bring a different energy to your song. Feel free to experiment with the point of view in your song- you might just find something amazing.

What about you?  What is the most interesting point of view you’ve used in one of your songs?  I’d love to hear from you!

God Bless,



“Cut/Able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting” is four powerful lessons for songwriters who want cuts & hits, who want to learn how to write commercially marketable songs, & who want their songs to connect powerfully with both fans and Music Row pros. If you want those results, these lessons can help. To get a FREE EXCERPT of “Cut/able,” just click on the image below:


Become an MvR VIP!

If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

Single Of The Year… Now What?

Gord When Lips Single

I was blessed to be a cowriter on “When Your Lips Are So Close,” which recently won “Single Of The Year” at the 2014 Canadian Country Music Awards (CCMA). I wrote the song with the artist, Gord Bamford, and his co-producer, Byron Hill. I’ve written three songs with them, and Gord has cut each of them. Three cowrites= 3 cuts, 1 #1 single, 1 gold single, 2 CCMA nominations and 1 CCMA win.

Now what?

Thankfully, Gord wants to write again. That’s great. But now that we’ve written a #1 together, now that we’ve had that success, the challenge is to keep my mind right. Possible pitfalls include:

Analysis paralysis.

It’d be easy to lock up creatively. To not write ANYTHING unless I’m sure it’s at least as big of a hit as “When Your Lips Are So Close.” Truth is, we didn’t know “When Your Lips Are So Close” was a #1 when we wrote it. We knew it felt really strong, but that was it. I can’t get trapped into having to think it’s a sure #1 before I’m willing to roll the dice.

Repeating myself.

I also have to avoid the temptation to play it safe by bringing in ideas that are too similar to “When Your Lips Are So Close.” Yes, there are elements of it we’d be wise to bring into another song. But we don’t want to just repeat ourselves. We need to write his NEXT hit, not rewrite his LAST one.

Getting complacent or cocky.

I’ve been blessed to have Gord cut all 3 of our cowritten songs, but nothing is guaranteed. If I just get lazy, thinking on some level, “Oh, he loves all my stuff,” then I won’t bring my best work (while his other cowriters will). Gord deserves better. So does Byron. So does my family.

Identifying these head-game tripwires should help me avoid them (hopefully). Now it’s mainly a matter of carving out enough creative space to be prepared. Then we’ll all just have to hope the muse shows up.

What about you?  What are some head-game tripwires that you run into, or have to actively avoid?  It doesn’t have to be about following up a hit- it could be about “wow, we had a great first cowrite… now what?” or “wow, that was a terrible first cowrite… now what?” I’d love to hear from you!

God Bless,



“Cut/Able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting” is four powerful lessons for songwriters who want cuts & hits, who want to learn how to write commercially marketable songs, & who want their songs to connect powerfully with both fans and Music Row pros.  If you want those results, these lessons can help.  To get a FREE EXCERPT of “Cut/able,” just click on the image below:


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If you like this blog and don’t want to miss a single post, or if you want special discounts on Man vs. Row products and services, become an MvR VIP!  Simply enter your email in the “Become an MvR VIP” section on this page.  It’s either in the upper righthand corner or down below.   Also, please share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from it.  I appreciate it when you share it on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.  Thanks!

Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row