Ignorance Is Bliss… And Sometimes Helpful


“My song is just as good as the stuff on the radio!”  Beginning songwriters everywhere have said it, and I was certainly no exception.  And, like beginning songwriters everywhere, I was WAY wrong.  Not only did I not know I was wrong, I had no idea just how wrong I was.  And I’m glad I didn’t know!  If I had realized just how far I had to go, I might’ve been so embarrassed by my bad songs and so intimidated by the journey ahead, that I might’ve put the pen down for good.

If you have that “I’m almost there!” mindset along with a strong work ethic and willingness to learn (these are hugely important), you might eventually get as good as you originally thought you were!

God Bless,



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Brent Baxter Music:  http://www.brentbaxtermusic.com