Songwriters, Pick Your Pain


Brent is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ray Stevens, and more.  He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

Success comes at the cost of comfort.  And once you’re hooked by the dream of writing songs for a living (or just getting a song cut) pain is unavoidable.  So pick your pain.  You can either have the pain that comes from trying or the pain that comes with not trying.

There’s pain in putting your songs out there just to have them rejected.  There’s pain in getting up early to write before you go to your “day job.”  There’s pain when you cut back on eating out so you can pay for a demo.  And there’s the possible pain of failure- of never getting that cut or getting to make a living writing songs.

But on the other side, there’s pain in knowing you didn’t try.  There’s pain in not knowing what might’ve happened if you had really put your heart into it.

If you have a dream, pain WILL happen.  So… which pain will you pick?

God Bless,



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Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music: