Wordplay Thursday #126

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Today, I’m going to give you a topic, and the wordplay is to show that topic with ONLY sensory images (sight, smell, taste, touch, sound).  The point is to have fun with the old Nashville advice that says, “Show me, don’t tell me.”  You can just pick one sense, or you can challenge yourself by playing one image from each of the 5 senses.

This week, let’s paint a picture about…

“Swimming Pool”

Here’s an example to get you started:

“The concrete is rough and hot against the bottom of my feet. I feel my face turn red when I take my shirt off and look down at my round stomach. I smell coconut suntan lotion. A blonde-haired little girl shouts, ‘Marco!'”

Now it’s your turn.  Show me, don’t tell me!

Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all…

And thanks to Jude Hart, Taylor, Ken Matthiessen, Jerry, Jeff Green, Will Curtis, Michael Klenda, Kris Fisher, Barney Coulter, Mark Brocke, Nick S.,  Linda Keser, Tomas Giraitis, Pete Smith, Nila, Matt Martoccio, Gregg Shivley and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #125 (read it here)! Great job!

Since strong imagery is such an important part of turning a cliche moment into a hit moment, I’ve put together a course on imagery. It’s called, “Use Imagery To Supercharge Your Songwriting (Like The Pros Do)” and it’s available now. By the end of the course, you’ll have the basic skills to:

  1. Effectively use both literal and figurative imagery.
  2. Make your story come to life using imagery.
  3. Prove your character’s personality using imagery.
  4. Make your listener connect to your character’s emotions using imagery.
  5. Hook your listener in the song’s first few lines using imagery.
  6. And to begin more songs (more easily) using imagery exercises as the start of your songwriting process.

Click here if you’re ready to “Use Imagery To Supercharge Your Songwriting (Like The Pros Do)” or click on the image below.

God Bless,



Wordplay Thursday