Tag Archives: Podcast

The C.L.I.M.B. Episode 6: How Is An Experiment Different From A Mistake?


The C.L.I.M.B. Podcast Episode 6 is live and ready for download!

The C.L.I.M.B. stands for “Creating Leverage In The Music Business,” and that’s the goal of this podcast- to help singers, indie artists and songwriters like YOU to create leverage in the music business.  What is leverage?  It’s “strategic advantage; the power to act effectively.”  We want to help YOU make stuff happen in the music biz.


If you aren’t on iTunes, you can listen to the show at our website:


Thanks to everyone who has already downloaded our first run of episodes, covering topics like “5 Reasons Why You Need To Know WHY You Write” and “The 5 Things Songwriters Must Know To Go Pro.”

Today’s episode is guided by Johnny, my co-host from Daredevil Production, and he tackles the topic, “How Is An Experiment Different From A Mistake?”

It’s been exciting to see how folks are digging the show- and being helped on their CLIMB.  If YOU like it, we’d really appreciate it if you’d subscribe and leave a rating or review on iTunes.  Positive ratings and reviews help us to climb the iTunes rankings so more people become aware of the show and we can help more singers, songwriters, and indie artists like you make The CLIMB!The CLIMB iTunes review 3


Climb reviews


If you aren’t on iTunes, you can listen to the show at our website:


Thanks for your time. It means a lot to me, and hopefully it’ll be a lot of help for you!

God Bless and keep C.L.I.M.B.ing,


Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ruthie Collins, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

Man vs Row

Ready To C.L.I.M.B As A Songwriter? We have a podcast for that!


For the past few months, I’ve been working on a semi-secret project. And (thank goodness) I can finally let the cat out of the bag!

I don’t know about you, but I’m a little bit of a podcast addict. I love listening to stories, interviews, etc. as I’m driving around, doing office work, housework, or going for a walk. As a matter of fact, Man vs. Row probably wouldn’t even exist today without all that podcasts have taught me about blogging and online coaching. I’m a big believer in the power of podcasts to teach and inspire. And now I want to use podcasting as another way to teach songwriting.

My first podcast is now LIVE and available for download!

Only it’s not called “Man vs. Row.” It’s called, “The C.L.I.M.B.”

Why “The CLIMB?” Well, it’s an acronym which stands for “Creating Leverage In The Music Business.” And that’s our goal- to help indie artists and songwriters like YOU to create leverage, which is is defined as “strategic advantage; power to act effectively.”

And to help me create the leverage to make this podcast happen, I’ve teamed up with my buddy, Johnny Dwinell. Johnny owns Daredevil Production, an innovative artist development company. Not only do they develop and improve your artistry, they also grow and monetize your fan base, creating cash flow. Daredevil has worked with mult-platinum artists like Collin Raye, Tracy Lawrence, Ty Herndon, and Andy Griggs, just to name a few. You can find Johnny at daredevilproduction.com.

Johnny and I will take turns guiding each episode. Johnny’s episodes will be aimed at helping indie artists with marketing, understanding the music business, production, etc. He’s more on the artist side of things.

My episodes will focus on songwriting and music publishing business – areas I know well from my years in the music business as a songwriter.

Johnny and I aim to bring you a ton of value with each episode, and I hope you’ll check it out. The first 5 episodes are LIVE NOW on iTunes and Stitcher. Please subscribe and download ALL the available episodes today. We want to hit iTunes “New and Noteworthy” so more people will see the podcast and we can help the most people possible.  Here are the links:


If you aren’t on iTunes, you can listen to the show at our website:


Thanks for your time. It means a lot to me, and hopefully it’ll be a lot of help for you!

God Bless and keep C.L.I.M.B.ing,


Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ruthie Collins, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

Man vs Row