Wordplay Thursday #19


Here’s a Thanksgiving-themed writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“I’m as thankful as _______.”

I’ll give you two examples to get you started:

“I’m as thankful as a sinner saved by grace.”

“I’m as thankful as a turkey pardoned by the President.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to everyone for their great additions to Wordplay Thursday #18 (read it here)! Great job!


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8 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #19”

  1. I’m as thankful as an abandon animal adopted.
    I’m as thankful as a bird in a cage breaking free.
    I’m as thankful as a pacient when healed.
    I’m as thankful as a turkey spared today.
    I’m as thankful as kids on Christmas.
    I’m as thankful as hungry people on a free buffet.

  2. I’m as thankful as a family united
    I’m as thankful as a home team win
    I’m as thankful as a shepherd for his flock
    I’m as thankful as forgiven sin

    I’m as thankful as any survivor
    I’m as thankful as an end to war
    I’m as thankful as the prodigal son
    who’s home to leave no more

  3. I’m as thankful as a dog with a bone
    I’m as thankful as an orphan with a home
    I’m as thankful as a prisoner released
    I’m as thankful as the poor with cash
    I’m as thankful as a redeemed sinner
    I’m as thankful as this empty stomach for this turkey dinner

  4. I’m as thankful as a trucker on the last mile of his run
    I’m as thankful as a baker when the apple pie is done
    I’m as thankful as a stallion when the mare’s back in the barn
    I’m as thankful as a scarecrow after harvest on the farm

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