Wordplay Thursday #41



Hey, ya’ll! At the bottom of today’s post, I’m going to let you know about some free stuff I’m giving away to all of you great Man vs. Row subscribers. Now, on to today’s post…

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“She opened his wallet like __________.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“She opened his wallet likeĀ a vampire opens a vein.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Mark Westendorf, John Leistner, Matt Martoccio, Barney Coulter, Dionne Kumpe, Mark Steven Brocke, Steve, Gary Snead, Linda Mckenzie, Janet Goodman, Jerry Childers, and Willa Thompson for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #40 (read it here)! Great job!


As a way to say “thank you” to all of you who subscribe to Man vs. Row by email, I’m going to give away some cool stuff in July (2014). If you subscribe to MvR, I’ll send you a free report, “10 Things The Pro Knows.” I’ll also send you the guitar/vocal of “Crickets,” which is the title track of Joe Nichols’ current album. You’ll get to hear the song as Joe heard it when he decided to record it. You’ll also receive the lyric file of the song- and this lyric file includes “Baxter’s Boneyard” – all the lines that DIDN’T make it into the song (see if you agree with our choices). It’s something nobody else has seen, and I think it’s pretty cool. But, again, this gift is only for those who subscribe to Man vs. Row by E-MAIL. These gifts will be sent by email, so if I don’t have your email address, I can’t send it to you. God Bless!


Hey, ya’ll. If you like this blog, then make sure you don’t miss a single post. Subscribe by entering your email address in the “Follow Man vs. Row via E-mail” box either in the top righthand corner or down below. And I love it when you share this blog through facebook, Twitter, and wherever! Thanks!

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Facebook: www.brentbaxtermusic.com

Instagram: Razorbaxter75

God Bless,


13 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #41”

  1. She opens his wallet like;

    A gentleman opens a car door for a lady
    -a bank robber opening a safe
    -a mouse stealing a piece of cheese from a mousetrap
    -a child opening a Christmas gift

  2. She opened his wallet like__________.

    – it was hers
    – the parting of the Red Sea
    – she knew what was there
    – the door to her heart
    – curtains in the breeze

  3. She opened his wallet________
    1. like all girls do
    2. instead of her heart
    3. and danced inside the vault
    4. like the jackal she was
    5. to find nothing but change

  4. She opened his wallet like a kid opens a candy bar.

    She opened his wallet like it was Christmas morning.

    She opened his wallet like a patient laying on the couch.

    She opened his wallet like a monkey opens a banana.

    She opened his wallet like a dad opening a pickle jar.

  5. She opened his wallet like a kid opens his Crackerjack box.
    She opened his wallet like a dog digs a new hole.
    She opened his wallet like she throws open the window drapes.
    She opened his wallet like a pirate expecting gold and silver.
    She opened his wallet like a hungry man does a Frigidaire.

  6. She opened his wallet like she was entering the vault at Fort Knox
    She opened his wallet like it was her own
    She opened his wallet hoping she was wrong
    She opened his wallet like it was junk mail

  7. She opened his wallet like she was Nancy Drew, a thief in the night, a hound on the scent, she was looking into his soul, there was something she just had to know

  8. She opened his wallet like magic.
    She opened his wallet like a locksmith.
    She opened his wallet like a skilled surgeon.
    She opened his wallet like a greedy politician would.
    She opened his wallet like a hot knife through butter.

  9. She opened his wallet when she first pranced in
    She opened his wallet with her hands tied down
    She opened his wallet when she tasted her lips
    She opened his wallet with the swing of her hips
    She opened his wallet with a hand on his heart

  10. She opened his wallet like she opened his heart
    Completely and empty, now they’re far apart

    She opened his wallet like a customs officer
    sure that she would find something he’d tried to hide
    but all that she found was an unsent love note
    written for her, on how she sat and cried.

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