Wordplay Thursday #64

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“My closet is messier than _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“My closet is messier than a rockstar’s divorce.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Jeff Green, Roger Vines, Janet Goodman, Jeff840, Dan Retz, theresavenesky Willa Thompson, Ken Matthiesen, and terrygene for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #63 (read it here)! Great job!


You’re invited to be a part of an exclusive Google Hangout I’ll be hosting on Thursday, October 23, from 8pm-9pm Central. In this live event, I’ll teach from my new book, “Cut/able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting.” Not only will you receive a FREE copy of “Cut/able” with your ticket, I’ll answer YOUR questions face-to-face as we discus how YOU can make your songs more market-smart. Space is very limited, so click on the image below to find out more! (Or click here.)

MvR Top 10 2


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God Bless,


16 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #64”

  1. My closet is messier than: a BP oil spill. a box of markers and a two year old. a day old diaper. an oops in a bomb factory. Taz in a china store.

  2. My closet is messier than…
    My kitchen
    My mind
    A mud run
    Jeep hair
    A roomful of kindergarteners painting
    A high school football game played in the rain

  3. My closet is messier than…..my daughter’s dorm room
    …..a liquor store after an earthquake
    …….my backyard in the fall after the Santa Ana’s blow through
    …a toddler’s preschool room during free playtime
    …….. my oven when the souffle explodes!

  4. My closet is messier than a trucker’s front seat floorboard.

    My closet is messier than a trash heap by the curbside.

    My closet is messier than a late night bar fight.

    My closet is messier than smashed pumpkins on the door step.

    My closet is messier than a political campaign gone bad.

    My closet is messier than underneath a pigeon roost.

  5. My closet is messier than a scrambled egg sandwich.
    My closet is messier than my dog’s infected ear.
    My closet is messier than the ashes lining this old snowy lane.

  6. My closet is messier than a fairground at the end of the day, messier than a baby’s face from eating chocolate pudding, messier than a property line dispute, messier than a clothes pole collapse, messier than my kitchen table come tax time

  7. My closet is messier than I’ve ever seen before
    The skeletons are mad and they don’t wanna clean no more

    My closet is messier than a plate of blue crab shells

    My closet is messier than it was in the morning
    You’re dancing with my work shirt on so sexy and girly

    My closet is messier than it was but it’s funner
    Don’t mind a little bit a dirt under my rug in the summer

    My closet is messier than I’ve ever seen before
    Just rip me off this hanger, toss me down on the floor

  8. “My closet is messier than the chicken coop”

    “My closet is messier than the bottom of my boot.”

    “My closet is messier than than my mind on a Friday night.”

    “My closet is messier than my sons playroom after a play date.”

    “My closet is messier than my handwriting when I’ve got an idea”

  9. My closet is messier than War of the Roses.
    My closet is messier than a Cheating spouse.
    My closet is messier than a bad breakup
    My closet is messier than a Politicians race
    My closet is messier than a winter garden after a freeze.

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