Wordplay Thursday #79


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Now, on to the Wordplay!


Wordplay Thursday

Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“After the scary movie, I was jumpier than _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“After the scary movie, I was jumpier than a 12-year-old on a trampoline.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Matt Martoccio, Renata Manzo Scruggs, Tommy Kib, Ken Matthiesen, Adam Farr, David, Kim Kondrashoff, Jeff Green, Janet Goodman, Tim Bell, Eric Tingstad, Mr. A, Michael P. Baker, Debbie Convoy, Eric Velez, Willa Thompson and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #78 (read it here)! Great job!

16 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #79”

  1. “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than _____.”

    a bull frog at a leg fry.

    the 6th man in a plane going down with 5 shoots.

    a kid in a pogo stick marathon.

    professional checker player

  2. “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than _____

    jumpier than a kangaroo’s eyelids

    jumpier than an elevator full of ping-pong balls

    jumpier than a thief in an airport

    jumpier than a lorryload of swords

    jumpier than poppy seeds in a pan

  3. “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than _____.”

    Ants, ants, ants, in my pants (Try, Try, Trying to get the cliche out of the way).
    Jesse Owens.
    Chuck Norris battling Bruce Lee.
    a dolphin at Sea World.
    a baby in a bouncy seat.
    Bo and Luke Duke.

  4. After the scary movie I was jumpier than a moon bred Kangaroo.
    After the scary movie I was jumpier than a Nazi at a Barmitzvah

  5. After the scary movie, I was jumpier than a double dutch competition.

    After the scary movie, I was jumpier than an aerobics instructor.

    After the scary movie, I was jumpier than a kid at a bounce house party.

    After the scary movie, I was jumpier than a lowrider at a red light.

    After the scary movie, I was jumpier than a box of Super Balls.

  6. “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than___”
    The damsel in distress who starred in the movie
    and the restless boy jumping on the seat in front of me
    or maybe, the fresh popcorn cooking behind the concession stand
    and the faulty lights on this old theater marquee
    so, when I lay my head on the pillow tonight
    I don’t think there will be much sleep for me.

  7. After the scary movie, I was jumpier than——–

    – lotto balls just before a drawing
    – frog legs in a frying pan
    – a puppy chasing a treat
    – a dead battery in zero degree weather
    – fish on a good biting day

  8. after the scary movie, I was jumper than
    -a cat on a hot tin roof
    -a Mexican jumping bean
    -a paranoid Rob Lowe
    -school girls with a jump rope
    -kids in a bounce house

  9. I was jumpier than a frog on a frozen lilypad
    I was jumpier than a flea crossin’ the flatlands
    I was jumpier than a zombie on zoloft

  10. I’m fashionably late to the party this week ;P

    “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than jiffy pop on an open flame.”

    “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than the dog at the door.”

    “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than a soldier in Fallujah.”

    “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than Tigger on a trampoline”

    “After the scary movie, I was jumpier than the day her water broke.”

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