Wordplay Thursday #80

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as a dog tick.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Ken Matthiesen, Adam Farr, Tim Bell, Jeff D. Green, Janet Goodman, Boredomcity, Michael P. Baker, Barney Coulter, Mark W., Eric Tingstad, Katrina, Jim Edmondson, Matt Martoccio and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #79 (read it here)! Great job!


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God Bless,


20 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #80”

  1. “After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as his boss on a Monday morning.”

    “After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as a gas tank on pay day.”

    “After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as his heart when she was still here.”

    “After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as his harvester in early fall.”

    “After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as Walmart on Christmas Eve.”

  2. “After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as _____.” -a misquito on an artery -the lone portapotty at bad chili feed -a goat at a recycle plant -a church on easter sunday -the front row at a rock concert

  3. After Thanksgiving Dinner, dad felt as full as…..
    -a Monday morning mailbox
    -a mother’s heart in the delivery room
    -my sister’s “skinny” jeans
    -Billy Bob’s beer fridge
    -Bourbon Street on Mardi Gras

  4. After Thanksgiving dinner, Dad felt as full as the freeway at five o’clock.

    After Thanksgiving dinner, Dad felt as full as a junk drawer.

    After Thanksgiving dinner, Dad felt as full as his grandkids’ toy box.

    After Thanksgiving dinner, Dad felt as full as the fridge packed with leftovers.

    After Thanksgiving dinner, Dad felt as full as a hot air balloon.

  5. After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as ….

    – a halter top on Dolly
    – a Harvest moon
    – a poker hand of a pair of jacks and three of a kind
    – the throttle of a speedboat
    – the tenth frame with three strikes

  6. Dad felt as full as…

    the hearts around the table.

    a loose python in a pet store.

    a mosquito at backyard barbecue.

    whoever was feasting on the Cowboys/Lions.

    Pooh swimming in a pot of honey.

  7. –“After Thanksgiving dinner, dad felt as full as Santa’s Sleigh on Christmas Eve”
    –“An apple orchard before harvest”
    –“A Gigabyte with 1 Megabyte left”
    –“A moshpit at a Heavy Metal concert”
    –“A public swimming pool on a 100 degree day”

  8. After Thanksgiving dinner, Dad felt as full as the neighborhood pool on a hot summer day!

    After Thanksgiving dinner, Dad felt as full as a stadium holding the Super Bowl Game!

  9. After Thanksgiving dinner, Dad felt as full as a bucket of well water, as full as the Ohio River after a Spring thaw, as full as a cow at milking time, as full as a horse feasting on new grass, as full as a customer at an ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet.

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