Wordplay Thursday #88

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

I think it’s time to shake things up a little bit here on Wordplay Thursday.  I’m sure I’ll go back and do some more of our usual format some weeks, but I want to try out something different.  After all, Wordplay IS about creativity, right?

I think a huge part of effective writing, songwriting or otherwise, is wrapping intangible ideas or emotions in imagery.  I want you to wrap today’s topic in sensory images.  Use any or all of the five senses.  How does this idea LOOK, SOUND, SMELL, TASTE, and FEEL?

Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least a couple things.

Today’s topic is:


I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Children lying on a riverside blanket smiling up at July Forth fireworks.”

“A sixteen-year-old girl being handed her brand new driver’s license.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

God Bless,



Thanks to Tommy Kib, debbraycal, Barney Coulter, Martin Vipond, Debbie Convoy, Kim Kondrashoff, Tammy Siler, Mae Young, Michael Klenda, Eric Tingstad, Earl Keith, Matt Martoccio, Ken Matthiesen, Sly, Joe Slyzelia, Miranda, Tim Bell and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #87 (read it here)! Great job!


Thanks to those of you who have already downloaded my book, Hit Songwriting: How A Songwriting Coach Can Fast Track Your Success! You made it an Amazon bestseller in the Songwriting and Music Instruction categories, and I really appreciate it! However, if you haven’t downloaded your copy yet, you can get it FOR FREE at www.GiftFromBrent.com or by clicking on the image below. Enjoy!

God Bless,


Gift From Brent Songwriting 3

22 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #88”

  1. The sun was glistening off a shiny new grill, the smoke was rising from some big juicy steaks, the beers were chilling in cool frosty mugs, then the grandchildren started yelling, poppy wake up!

    1. United we stand, Divided we fall
      They’re not just words that we sing
      They hold wisdom for us all,
      They gave our country pride and
      They’ve made our country strong,
      So unless you plan to fall sing along,

  2. United we stand, Divided we fall
    They’re not just words that we sing
    They hold wisdom for us all,
    They gave our country pride and
    They’ve made our country strong,
    So unless you plan to fall sing along,

  3. The clang of those falling chains rang freedom in my ears.

    Starbursts fly on a black backdrop sky and my beating heart cries out freedom!

    She turned that key faster than you could see and then she laughed as she drove away

    California in the rear view and a so-sweet life so overdue she knew she was headed in the right direction.

    Sweet brown eyes and a soft low voice sure can set a broken soul free.

  4. A new heart beats within my chest,
    The old stone rolled away,
    My sinful skin like His grave clothes,
    No longer binds this slave.

    My body changed to something new,
    No tears can fill my eyes,
    My clothes are fashioned by His grace,
    His beauty my disguise.

    For death has died and is no more,
    No sorrow, hurt, or pain,
    And all I see is His great light,
    My Lord, my God, my King.

  5. Staying up late with a bag of chips, watching Fallon on a school night.

    A puppy running laps around the sunny backyard.

    A college student moving boxes into the bustling freshman dorm.

    Having the house to ourselves while the kids are away at summer camp.

  6. The sound of mustang hooves racing across the Nevada desert.

    A bag of shiny marbles spilled on a hardwood floor.

    Leaving the doctor’s office after hearing the cancer is gone.

    A greyhound running out the front gate of the west Memphis dog track.

    U.S. helicopters landing in a POW camp.

    Tastes like a cold beer in a new apartment on your 21st birthday.

  7. Cool Brent I like when you mix it up on us like the time we had to do Skunk on a Plane.

    Is the whirling of a fishing line in the rising morning dew as the sun caresses your shoulders and the smell of coffee fills your nostrils.

    Is children in the bed of a pickup with wind blowing through their hair as a smile crowds their face and sounds of laughter and roller coaster yells echo around the neighborhood.

    Is sitting back in a chair with the smell of burning wood and fresh cut grass as the crackling of a bonfire is heard over over the music, conversations, and popping tops on a cool summers eve.

  8. On the 1rst kick…that old 47 Harley knucklehead…cracked thunder…followed by a roar of beautiful defiance & the strong smell of exhaust…as a smile began to glow on the creased face…of that old biker…as he put in a gear & cranked on the throttle…& took off like an explosion…that shook the whole neighbourhood…

  9. Waking up suddenly from a bad dream…the warmth of the morning sun…that shone through the window…blanketed his face…& in the distance…he could hear the faint sound of a lawn mower & children playing…he exhaled a big sigh of relief…that prison that was his home…for the last 25 years…was no longer…he was safe…in his bedroom…of the house he grew up in…as he smelled the aroma of bacon emanating from the kitchen…to the gentle tone of his mother’s voice…saying it was time for breakfast…

  10. We fought for our freedom over seas on foreign shores now we’re fighting for our freedom with the enemy at our door.

  11. Freedom boils down to being personally responsible to manage your own affairs – your finances, career and business, the raising of your children – in ways that create healthy associations and institutions with a minimum of government coercion and interference.

  12. Run, run, run ‘to where the earth meets the sun
    As the eagle soars over and cries ‘The day is done.’
    Sweat from the brow is salt on the lip
    I carry this load to the end for a sip
    Will I drink too long, for hours on days?
    Or will the thirst inside inspire my ways?
    I pause to feel the earth and an aching of my back
    Then over the edge for more. My choice, just like that.

  13. “Getting up in the morning and buying tickets to Tahiti”

    “Getting in a car and going anywhere you want to go or dont want to go, and everyone else can too”

    “Grabbing pen and paper and writing about anything you wish to write about”

    “Stopping what you are doing at anytime and being able thank God for the moment you are in”

  14. The dry desert air pushes through the open windows and messes our hairs as we zoom down the empty 2-lane. A family of bald eagles circles above the magenta rock walls, barely flicking the tips of the wings as they surf the currents. A green exit sign with block white letters and a curving arrow leads us to gas station connected to a diner playing Willie Nelson as the sizzle and smell of hash browns float to our sparkly vinyl booth.

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