Wordplay Thursday #93

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“He makes her feel as calm as _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“He makes her feel as calm as blue skies.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

God Bless,



Thanks to Pam Tippett, Mike Maher, Jeff D. Green, Kim Kondrashoff, Earl Keith, Brenda, Shane, Ken Matthiessen, Matt Martoccio, Selwyn Chong and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #92 (read it here)! Great job!


Thanks to those of you who have already downloaded my book, Hit Songwriting: How A Songwriting Coach Can Fast Track Your Success! You made it an Amazon bestseller in the Songwriting and Music Instruction categories, and I really appreciate it! However, if you haven’t downloaded your copy yet, you can get it FOR FREE at www.GiftFromBrent.com or by clicking on the image below. Enjoy!

God Bless,


Gift From Brent Songwriting 3

14 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #93”

  1. “He makes her feel as calm as the gray in his beard.”

    “He makes her feel as calm as a classroom in July.”

    “He makes her feel as calm as a lion bathing in the sun.”

    “He makes her feel as calm as the lake on an early morning fishing trip.

    “He makes her feel as calm as a bull about to be branded”

  2. He makes her feel as calm as _____.
    warm pudding that’s cooled down and started to set
    a dog stretched out, sleeping in the sun
    a light ocean breeze as waves softly lap the shore
    the air after a heavy rain
    the carefree days of her youth, before she knew how much words could hurt

  3. He makes her feel as calm as a yogi by the Ganges.

    He makes her feel as calm as the day after a storm.

    He makes her feel as calm as a windless day.

    He makes her feel as calm as a wine taster in Napa.

    He makes her feel as calm as a bubble bath taker.

  4. he makes her feel as calm as:
    -the smooth moonlit lake water
    -a momma singing her baby to sleep
    -the carolers singing silent night on christmas eve
    -the breeze flowing gently through the palm leaves
    -a warm sun rising to the robins singing

  5. He makes her feel as calm as….
    a sip of warm chamomile and honey tea
    a little village in Luxembourg at midnight
    the moonlit sky
    driving a back road in Montana
    stargazers looking at the Little Dipper
    Lovers right after a good fight
    A Mother holding her newborn babe
    the depths of the ocean
    A snorkeler riding a sea turtle
    A turtle eating lettuce

  6. -Sunday morning rain
    -the eye of a storm
    -a soft summer breeze
    -a glass of chardonnay!
    -a field of sunkissed clover

  7. “He makes her feel as calm as…”
    the dusting of snow on the ground.
    the reflection in the Koi pond outside.
    the puppy sleeping in the chair by the fireplace.
    an infant fast asleep for the night.
    the sound of elevator music overhead.
    her mood after a foot rub.
    the drone of a hummingbird.

  8. “He makes her feel as calm as…
    as calm as a dolphin
    as calm as a Spanish village at siesta time
    as calm as a star on the water
    as calm as an oak tree
    as calm as a phone with a dead battery

  9. He makes her feel as calm as…

    a seaside hammock.
    falling asleep to the sound of distant ocean waves.
    a flower stretching towards the sun.
    a third deep breath.

  10. He makes her feel as calm as…

    a morning with no Texts or Phone Calls.

    the drizzle of a light rain on the rooftop.

    a candlelit room with no distractions

    a warm cup of cocoa and a recliner.

    a house on the first day of school.

    a house on January 02nd.

    1. He makes her feel as calm as,
      a ghostly fading dew at sunrise,
      the tears of joy in Dad’s blue aging eyes,
      a mother’s smile at newborn’s very 1st cry,
      and grandma cookin’ on Sunday at noon.
      The sinner repenting for what he’s done,
      skippin’ rocks across the creek just for fun,
      a hound dog on the porch movin’ for no one,
      and an old Don Williams tune.

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