Wordplay Thursday #133

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“Inspiration is _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Inspiration is your first time watching a songwriter round at The Bluebird Cafe.”

Wordplay Thursday

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

And thanks to Mark Westendorf, Matt Martoccio, Ken Matthiesen, Barney Coulter, Linda Keser,  Jerry Childers, Kim Kondrashoff,  Nancy Deckant, Debbie Davidson, Pamela Lack, Tomas Giraitis, W McDonough and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #132 (read it here)! Great job!

If you want to become a pro songwriter, you need to think like one. In my FREE e-book, “THINK LIKE A PRO SONGWRITER,” I not only reveal several of the mindsets which separate the pro songwriter from the amateur, but also…

  • How to get on a music publisher’s radar
  • How the pros know who is looking for songs
  • Six simple ways to make your songs more commercial
  • And more!

To get your FREE, INSTANT download of “THINK LIKE A PRO SONGWRITER,” just click on the image below, or CLICK HERE!

think like a pro songwriter 3D

God Bless,


Man vs Row

18 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #133”

  1. That wounded warrior standing in front of me or that little girl with her hair all gone and a baseball cap pulled down….

  2. Inspiration is when your wife says I’ll support you whatever you do

    Inspiration is when someone tells you, you will fail

    Inspiration is learning your first chord

    Inspiration is learning Elvis Presley didn’t write his own songs

    Inspiration is the emails from man vs row in my inbox

  3. Inspiration was planned before time to reveal the creator in each of us.

    Inspiration is a gift. It’s giving our voice to the song.

    Inspiration is new, yet old, familiar and divine, surprising and life-affirming. A delight.

  4. Inspiration is:
    -breathing in the first scent of spring and dreaming anxiously of new beginnings.
    -looking out over the mountains and feeling bigger than life.
    -the life blood of creativity.
    -witnessing the impossible and being elevated to a higher degree of passion.

  5. To inspire is to breathe in . Inspiration is to take in. From where– the struggle of a new foal to stand on saw-horse legs; the effortless glide of an eagle on a soaring thermal ;the kind words of a friend;thoughts of the unknown ..? ..your call– you are the one breathing .

  6. Inspiration is ….

    ….receding ice on the home town lake
    ….the 5 a.m. coffee warm in your hands
    ….watching a baby take his first steps
    ….singing along with your favourite song
    ….is Wordplay Thursday

  7. “Inspiration is the sound of the memories in the notes he sings.”

    “Inspiration is the word that massages the soul.”

    “Inspiration is the soul trying to pull you towards your destiny.”

    “Inspiration is the laughing from others when you’re doing what you love.”

    “Inspiration is hearing a child talk about the world and their friends.”

  8. Inspiration is ….

    .. the receding ice on the home town lake
    .. watching a baby stumble with his first steps
    .. that 5 a.m. coffee warm in your hands
    .. singing along to your favourite song for the hundredth time
    .. Wordplay Thursday

  9. “Inspiration is _______…”

    1… Coming up with 5 ideas not caring that my coffee is getting cold

    2… What disciplined writers learn how to channel

    3… Is like lightning, it may only strike at rare opportune moments but can have tremendous energy when the Lightning rod is struck

    4… Often found in nature

    5… A hint from God at what we should be doing

    6… Like lightning in that we seek it but can’t just make it happen when and where we want

  10. Inspiration is ….
    – hearing and believing
    – the sun streaming through on a cloudy day
    – rain, tap dancing on a rusted tin roof
    – the straw that got me on the camel’s back
    – what causes my feet to hit the cold floor every morning
    – a hungry mouth to feed

  11. Inspiration is listening to something that stirs your soul.
    Inspiration is heeding the lessons of those who tell you their story.
    Inspiration can come from simply observing nature.
    Inspiration is knowing God is guiding you and following his path
    Inspiration is a spark of light that ignites your imagination

  12. Inspiration is…

    1. In the often overlooked, beautiful, and wondrous details of creation that are all around us.

    2. Watching someone using their gifts and talents – doing what God created them to do.

    3. Waiting to be discovered.

    4. That still small voice whispering in your ear.

    5. Something that can be cultivated.

    6. Not always just a random, happy accident.

  13. Inspiration is:

    One percent, hard work is the other 99 percent.

    The little engine that could & said ”I think I can.”

    When someone that has no advantages in any which way, shape or form…can rise above those disadvantages…& become multiple success’s in all areas of life.

    To me is the beauty & miracle of nature.

    An extremely well written song that’s just so in the pocket…rocks your world like heavy thunder then lights it up like a Roman candle!

  14. Inspiration is a sky full of sparkling stars on a rocky top spring night.
    Inspiration is generous enough to visit my desk every morning at 10am.
    Inspiration is pink petals tossed from a flower girl’s hands down the wedding aisle.
    Inspiration is gripping binoculars from the grass seats at your first amphitheater concert.
    Inspiration is a book that begs another chapter even when it’s past your bedtime.
    Inspiration is watching the sun rise over a glassy pond from the wicker rocking chair of your log cabin porch.

  15. Inspiration is knowing that when you write great lyrics, your cowriter will write killer music and do a fantastic demo for them.

    Inspiration is hearing a great song and being so excited to try to write something of your own.

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