Wordplay Thursday #157… and Adoption Update!

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

“Disappointed is __________.”

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things- and try to get IMAGERY in at least one of your plays!

“Disappointed is ________.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Disappointed is when you lean in for a kiss and she turns, only offering her cheek.”

Wordplay Thursday

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

Adoption August

Adoption August at Songwriting Pro was a great success- because of YOU!  The short story is that every penny you spent on the Songwriting Pro store (minus the store’s fees) will go towards bringing two precious orphans (Wren and Quill) home from China.

Because of your generosity, we raised $2102.77 towards the adoption!  Thank you so much!

Now, I’ll be honest.  There are still about $15,000 to $20,000 in expenses left… so feel free to check out any other items in the Songwriting Pro Store.  I appreciate it.

To read more about our boys, Wren and Quill, CLICK HERE.

God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,



22 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #157… and Adoption Update!”

  1. “Dissappointnent is-”
    -the reason for many a four letter word.
    -the OFF position of pride.
    -when pride meets failure.
    -a dropped Hail Mary.
    -Tim and Faith selling out in sixty seconds and getting through in a minute-two.

  2. Disappointed is……….

    a child running for and missing the bus, who then remembers that he had to get himself there anyway and now must walk

    being told you’re different, while just trying to blend in

    being the only other person in the room when a young man lashes out at his father who’s too old to defend himself by any means

    a cancer patient who keeps having to hear the bad news and has nobody to hear it with them

    Standing on the top of the mountain in support of your cause for adoption, to then feel every single bump of the landslide, while the top gets smaller and the base gets larger

      1. Haha. Sorry T-Kibb. I feel your pain and find I carry a load of Tums as I carry this load that you carry myself. Thanks for your comment!

  3. Disappointed is
    a breath filled sigh and faced filled why

    Disappointed is
    an empty feeling in a heart still believing

  4. Disappointed is __________

    …showin’ off your dance moves and everybody laughs
    …buyin’ the first round that winds up being the last
    …knowin’ right from wrong but you pass on the introduction
    …thinkin’ you’re the only one who doesn’t get the joke
    …declarin’ your love but she has you on ‘mute’

        1. Thanks Joe! I’m very humble about it. My song that Brent chose was ripped to pieces to by an adjudicating songwriter from NSAI. I believe Brent said his song ” Sunday Morning ” church didn’t even make NSAI luncheon… & for the record I’m not knocking NSAI. My humble opinion has been & still is…what get’s chosen is extremely subjective. I really like your wordplay Joe! They’re very funny! & I can relate to it on a personal basis…if you know what I mean…ha ha…Keep on keep on writing Joe!

  5. Disappointed is_______

    …seeing him fall off the pedestal you placed him on, like a meteor plummeting to the earth. And knowing things will never be the same.

    …an unreturned smile

    … no checks in the mail

  6. Disappointed is ______

    ….rushing home to watch the game..and finding out it’s on tomorrow night!

    ….Almost voting time and still don’t have a clue.

    …..Watching a Pro Football player taking advantage of the opportunities available only in the U.S. of A. and sitting down for the National Anthem.

  7. Disappointed is not seeing your name on the list of songwriters picked for the Play for Publisher event.

      1. No need to apologize. Just doing your job (crushing people’s dreams). Just kidding. I appreciate the opportunity. I’ll have a better song ready for next time.

  8. is…when I stay up into the wee wee hours of Christmas morning… putting together an expensive & complicated toy for my young son…only to find him having more fun playing with the box it came in….

    is…the 6′ foot Frankenstein monster I ordered from that comic book…turned out to be a 6′ foot piece of paper….

    is…opening your Christmas stocking at school & finding a lump of coal at the bottom of it.

    is…that house of cards I spent countless hours on building…my drunken uncle…leans in to get a closer look…& at the same time he happens to sneeze a big one….& blows that house of cards clear across the room…

    is….when you give someone a wedding present you’d think they’d really like…& they offer to sell it back to you for 20 bucks…

  9. Disappointed is thinkin’ about that sweet gal all day at work only to get home and find out the inlaws are in town for the weekend.
    Disappointed is going to the ATM and finding out you’ve got two dollars in your account and theres still three days till payday.
    Disappointed is finding out somebody you admire and like has been spreading falsehoods about you.
    Disappointed is how that puppy dog looks when you tell him/her “No, Stay”.
    Disappointed is how I never want my children to feel about their Daddy.

  10. Dissapointment is:

    Not taking time to express who you really are.
    Believing world peace can be achieved by war.
    Expecting life to bring you what your ego wants.
    Thinking that you have all the answers.
    Thinking she likes you when she is just being nice.

  11. – disappointment is a long word with a lot of syllables to get into a country song

    – disappointment is something that should always only be temporary

    – disappointment is great motivation to suggest or be a catalyst of change

    – disappointment is not going to run my life.

    – disappointment is part of what was left behind in that empty tomb some 2,000 years ago. You know the same tomb that has filled billions with hope from it’s emptiness, including this guy.

    Sorry I’m late to this party, I must have missed this email while I was in Galveston 😉

  12. Disappointed is a bike with no wheels.
    Disappointed is a deadbolt on the pearly gates.
    Disappointed is a firework fuse that burns into silence.
    Disappointed is hearing “snip…ooops” at barbershop.
    Disappointed is hearing “snip…ooops” on the operating table.
    Disappointed is walking in on your prom date fooling around with your best friend.
    Disappointed is a double-scoop ice cream cone on the sidewalk.

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