Wordplay Thursday #158

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

“Regret is __________.”

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things- and try to get IMAGERY in at least one of your plays!

“Regret is ________.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Regret is an unfinished text flying out of your hand as you slam into the car in front of you.”

Wordplay Thursday

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

Adoption August

Adoption August at Songwriting Pro was a great success- because of YOU!  The short story is that every penny you spent on the Songwriting Pro store (minus the store’s fees) will go towards bringing two precious orphans (Wren and Quill) home from China.

Because of your generosity, we raised $2102.77 towards the adoption!  Thank you so much!

Now, I’ll be honest.  There are still about $15,000 to $20,000 in expenses left… so feel free to check out any other items in the Songwriting Pro Store.  I appreciate it.

To read more about our boys, Wren and Quill, CLICK HERE.

God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,



22 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #158”

  1. Regret is……..

    Looking into the eyes of a good dog as you give it away.

    Hearing a loved one passed away and not being by their side.

    Not taking an angel off the Christmas tree to help a child without, and then getting some of the best gifts you ever got from others that year

    Missing the Play For Publisher deadline and knowing that the outcome wasn’t just about me

    Taking a father’s daughter in marriage and then never really having much of a relationship with him

  2. Regret is my guilty mind burying my hopefull soul
    While lost chances sing the eulogy over memories laid low

    Regret is like a ton of steel some people carry around
    Never knowing how good life feels when you finally put it down

    Regret is memory lane in ruin
    A walk your mind should not be doing

  3. Regret is…

    ….calling your ex for help, then feeling obligated to give him another chance.

    ….talking dirty on the phone with your mistress when you didn’t realize your wife came home early from work.

    ….walking your daughter down the aisle when you know the bridegroom is a jerk.

    ….falling asleep with a cig and you’re the only one that got out alive.

    …sleeping with your boyfriend’s brother for spite, then finding out five months later you’re pregnant with that brother’s baby.

    …the devastating aftermath of diving headfirst into shallow water when your drunk and showing off.

  4. “Regret is-”
    -canceling a writing session where a song was written that gets a jason aldean cut.
    -not buying extra insurance on the rental car they are pulling up on the bed of the wrecker.
    -Not telling your wife about the two hundred dollar fishing pole you bought last month and she’s going over the Visa bill that just came.
    -asking the lady in line in front of you if she wants a boy or a girl and she turns around and lets you know she’s not pregnant.
    -waiting sixty one days to pay a parking ticket that doubles after sixty.
    -not doing the walking every day that the doctor advised and lying on the operating table as they sharpen the knives.

  5. Regret is when you chicken out on asking your dream girl to the prom and find out years later that she had a crush on you.

    Regret is the pictures you posted on Facebook of last night’s party

    Regret is putting off going to the doctor until its too late

    Regret is the last words to your father being hurtful ones

    Regret is like a hangover; the painful consequences of yesterday’s bad decisions.

    Regret is the old man’s only companion

  6. Regret is…
    – rueful, deflating and sad, derived from experience that turned out so bad
    – that low-down, why me feeling, when water slowly drips down from the ceiling
    – so deadly, messing with your mind, thinking back to that “why did I do that, time?”
    – your recollection of all those blown chances, you threw away at high school dances
    – just a word, you know who you are, but damn if you don’t wish you had bought that Les Paul guitar…

  7. Regret is like being stuck like Chuck in the pouring rain.

    Regret is like feeling the train wreck that is your life, has no end.

    Regret is like a waterfall full of sand.

    Regret is like not taking a chance on love when it comes your way.

    Regret is like a river of dreams deferred.

  8. Regret is :
    that burning gut check that shows up between thoughts
    the past ruining the present
    that moment of memory that reminds us of our weakness and bad decisions
    the goodbye that should have been stay
    fire, forgiveness soothing ice

  9. “Regret is __________.”

    …hesitating out of the gate, then not even running the race

    …not getting your story straight

    …like losing the fight when you’re the only one in the ring

    …never framing the bigger picture

    …letting worry pin you to the mat

  10. Regret is..

    The invisible scar that never seems to heal,
    A clear driver side mirror, but the window fogged above the wheel.
    The Juiciest Fruit given up to get some ‘gum’,
    Not speaking a word when the answer was on your tongue.
    The feathers you let build up, until they weighed a ton,
    Giving someone cash when all they needed was a hug.
    The moment you think “I shouldn’t ‘ve drank that shot”,
    When you only cared for yourself, now you’re the only one you got.

  11. Regret is…
    Just letting go of the car door handle, and you see the keys inside. (Then you suddenly remember your new car has keyless entry.):))

    Regret is…
    Like having a frien-emy. They are always available, but are constantly reminding you of all the mistakes you made. Who needs that?

    Regret is…
    Doubting yourself when you were young.

  12. Regret is…
    Not giving one last kiss before the bus pulls away
    Walking away from the man who danced with you in the rain
    Completing a dare someone secretly videotaped
    Catching the plane one day after the death angel took dad away
    Speaking too loudly to a child causing little feet to run away

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