Wordplay Thursday #178

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

“Jet lag hit me like __________.”

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things- and try to get IMAGERY in at least one of your plays!

“Jet lag hit me like  ___________.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Jet lag hit me like a cast-iron skillet in the whiskeyed-up hand of an angry ex-wife.

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

Wordplay Thursday is a fun way to generate new song ideas- and who doesn’t need more song ideas?  If you’d like an inside look at the techniques I use to find song idea after song idea- ideas that YOU can use, too- I have just thing for you!


God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


15 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #178”

  1. … a linebacker sack
    … a t-boned car crash
    … a certified letter from your wife’s attorney
    … an overdose

  2. Jet lag hit me like a…………..

    the smell of a Sunday Morning Comin’ Down, and then back up on the dirty clothes I slept in.

    preacher’s eyes on the back of my head, as I slithered out during the Invitation song.

    heart attack in the final straightaway stretch, during the race for my life.

    freight train drivin’ linebacker from the blindside, who thought he heard me call him a sissy during the snap count.

    Jerry & Duke’s Mac truck east bound and down with the smokey on their bumper and no brakes.

    patch of wet black ice to the tailbone, reminding me I wouldn’t be 1st to the warm truck.

    newspaper picture of my son entitled ‘The Boys of Fall’, as he hobbled behind on crutches and his team tears through the runnout banner.

    1. Excuse me, Cledus & Duke east bound and down! Where I got Jerry & Duke who knows? Maybe their haulin’ beans for Jay Bush??

  3. No, no, no. It’s Bo. I’m sure, Cledus & BO! Ugh. Thanks Brent for this Worplay Thursday sickness. Ha!

  4. Jet lag hit me like ………
    – a thunder clap in a funnel cloud.
    – a sinus headache in a flower shop
    – being bed-ridden with the flu while being beaten with a baseball bat
    – an alarm clock after a double shift, just before another staring me in the face
    – an anesthesiologist’s best shot…

  5. Jet lag hit me like dynamite in a coal mine explosion.

    Jet lag hit me like the crack of a baseball bat
    against a home run ball

  6. Jet lag hit me like the smell of bacon fryin’ in the clear morning of a country meadow 🙂

    I was gonna say, like the force of a billion butterflies but I think that seat has been taken (back in the 6o’s, Moody Blues)

  7. Jet lag hit me…..
    -Like a bartender pourin’ whisky, for my memory of her callin’ out, “One more!”.
    -Like too many thrown back with the help of Gentleman Jack and a long, wooden floor stagger to the door.
    -Like a double vision stare at myself in the glare, of a glass door that feels cold on the other side.
    -Like the cowboy that I ticked off as I laughed and I asked, “Where’s the horse Hoss?”, as if he had one I might borrow that night.
    -Like the boot he put in my back and the bones I heard go crack, with a “So long, sleep tight, you worthless drunk!”
    -Like the glass door I shattered hitting cold pavement blood splattered, and the vomit that made me smell like a skunk.

  8. Jet lag hit me like a line drive under the bill of my Braves cap.
    Jet lag hit me like a 6-pound sledge on an earth anchor.
    Jet lag hit me like a rack of antlers in rut.
    Jet lag hit me like the surface of the Chattahoochee after digging the tip of skis into the wake.

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