Wordplay Thursday #185

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Today, we’re going to try something a little different for your writing prompt- something called “First Line Borrowing.”

Take the first line of a pre-existing song (one off the radio or an album) and see where it takes you! Write some lines, or just brainstorm song ideas that could go with that line.

Here’s a line from one of my un-cut songs to get you started. Feel free to use it to start off YOUR song, then go back and change the original line up a little bit. After all, other people will be using this one, too!

“Senior pictures on a screen, my friends at seventeen…”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

Wordplay Thursday is a fun way to generate new song ideas- and who doesn’t need more song ideas?  If you’d like MORE “creative kickstarters,” join the Frettie.com community!  In our private Facebook group, I share a handful of creative kickstarters every week.  Plus, there’s plenty more cool stuff for Frettie members!


God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


7 thoughts on “Wordplay Thursday #185”

  1. Graduation pictures lost, those forever friends at any cost
    Forgotten faces from the past, relationships that didn’t last
    Plans made to stay in touch, killed by years and fears and such
    I find it hard to recall the names but memories remain within these frames…

  2. replies from a retiree:

    … wouldn’t know them if I saw them
    … not my best years, I remember mostly tears
    … Mary , turn off those slides … and get me my ibuprofen …please

  3. -Senior pictures on a screen,
    my friends at seventeen
    like flashes in a hot pan of grease.

    -Dangerous to ourselves for sure
    We’d have burned town down if we’d gotten our turn. But we were too smothered by all the small time scene.

    -Hot to hold, a reminder of the hurt
    Shot down in flames before they occurred
    Outta’ fuel we need, so better if we leave.

    -From the pan into the fire, no takin it slow
    In Big time cities, then dissipated in smoke. At least up high where we all could breathe.

    -Falling ashes to ashes, make dust of us.
    Now memories on screen, of the spark once was. Wild fires just livin’ out our dreams.

  4. Is this the real life, is this just fantasy
    all human knowledge, inside a 5-inch screen
    plastic and binary
    longer life, batteries
    create or react
    contribute or consume
    innocent bystanders share different truth
    that’s you in the tube, see your house from the moon
    a song can be sung and a tongue can be tuned

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