Wordplay Thursday #13
October 17, 2013 WordPlay


Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank.  You can use one word or several.  Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want.  The point is to get the creative juices flowing.  And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you.  Try coming up with at least five things.

“That cafe’s coffee is weaker than _____________.”

I’ll give you one example to get you started:

“That cafe’s coffee is weaker than decaf water.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments.  Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating.  It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Steve, Russell, rockmystar, Wally Henderson, Cathy, Mark, Derek Nyberg, and Justin Heath for their great additions to Wordplay Thursday #12 (read it here)!  Great job!


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"12" Comments
  1. Aunt Vida’s sweet tea strained through an overbite Pampers!

  2. That cafe’s coffee is weaker than Popeye without his spinach

  3. Cooked spaghetti in a tug of war
    Feather in a hurricane
    Politician’s promise

  4. – the doily it was served upon.
    – what I normally drink, which is reminiscent of diesel oil.
    – the scrawny teen who prepared it.

  5. That cafe’s coffee is weaker than an un-strung banjo…

  6. Weaker than…

    A placebo pill…

    A hungry man needing to get his fill…

    An addict’s will…

    Bleeding prey down for the kill…

  7. Uncle Ernie’s hearing

  8. That cafe’s coffee is weaker than….the storm that fizzled out at sea.
    both of my arms trying to get a locked lug off a tire rim having lost the key.
    poor exhausted me.
    my cell phone signal as we drive thru a tunnel.
    what little patience I have left.

  9. “That cafe’s coffee is weaker than…..the storm that fizzled out at sea.”
    poor pitiful me!”
    what little patience I have left.”
    your cell phone signal as we’re driving thru a tunnel.”
    the juice flowing from my dead car battery.”

  10. “That cafe’s coffee is weaker than _____________.”

    a dying fly on a windowsill
    a fly’s pinky toe
    grandma’s knees

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