Wordplay Thursday #17
November 14, 2013 Muse


Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank.  You can use one word or several.  Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want.  The point is to get the creative juices flowing.  And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you.  Try coming up with at least five things.

“My wallet’s thinner than  _______.”

I’ll give you one example to get you started:

“My wallet’s thinner than a penny on the railroad tracks.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments.  Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating.  It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Andrew Clayton, KK, Matt Martoccio, Wally Henderson, Samary, and Willa Thompson for their great additions to Wordplay Thursday #16 (read it here)!  Great job!


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"11" Comments
  1. My wallet is thinner than the finest thread.
    My wallet is thinner than a fingerprint.
    My wallet is thinner than melted ice.
    My wallet is thinner than a paper cut.
    My wallet is thinner than a flower’s petal.
    My wallet is thinner than a grain of sand.
    My wallet is thinner than a snowflake.

  2. Thinner than a gnats wing.
    The ice mom says I’m skating on when I’m in trouble.

  3. My wallets thinner than black ice underneath an obese ice-skater.
    My wallets thinner than that paper they use to make the pages in the bible.
    My wallets thinner than Jack Sprat on a diet.
    My wallets thinner than John Waters’ moustache.
    My wallets thinner than a pancake under an elephant butt.

  4. My wallets thinner than the credit card inside it!
    My wallets thinner than Mick Jagger on his album cover
    My wallets thinner than the walls in this cheap motel

  5. My wallet’s thinner than the dime in my frayed blue jean’s pocket.
    My wallet’s thinner than the buck I put in the empty tip jar last night.
    My wallet’s thinner than the last button hanging on my favorite shirt.
    My wallet’s thinner than the cigar smoke blowing through this place.
    My wallet’s thinner than the tissue used to wipe away her tears.
    My wallet’s thinner than the last cracker I had for my bowl of canned soup.

  6. My wallet’s thinner than that piece of hair strand.
    My wallet’s thinner than my Joe Nichol’s concert ticket.
    My wallet’s thinner than the sheer curtain panel flowing in the wind.
    My wallet’s thinner than the Skinnygirl cocktail’s I had last night .
    My wallet’s thinner than any patience I may have left!

  7. My wallet’s thinner than my luck.
    My wallet’s thinner than my delusion.
    My wallet’s thinner than her mask.

  8. A splitter in a wood pile
    My faith in politics
    My reflection in the mirror
    The disguise in his eyes
    The hair on the top of my head
    The lines in the palm of my hand
    The distance between your heart and mine

  9. My wallet’s thinner than the last page in this chapter
    My wallet’s thinner than a sideways stop sign
    My wallet’s thinner than than your yoga pants

  10. My wallet is thinner than the tread on my tires

    My wallet is thinner than the line between right and wrong in the back of my Chevy.

    My wallet is thinner than a highschool girl at prom.

    My wallet is thinner than that line I walk

    My wallet is thinner than my reflection looking back at me on the lake.

    My wallet is thinner than 4 pound test fishing line.

  11. Pingback: Wordplay Thursday #18 | Man vs. Row

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