Wordplay Thursday #21
December 12, 2013 Muse


Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“His cowboy boots are as beat-up as _______.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“His cowboy boots are as beat-up as OJ Simpson’s reputation.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #20!  You can read everyone else’s contributions HERE! Great job!


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"15" Comments
  1. His cowboy boots are as beat-up as the bed of his truck.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as his dog’s tennis ball.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as grandpa’s tool box.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as his pride.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as the bucket he hauls to the well.

  2. His cowboy boots are as beat up as General Custer’s rear end!
    His cowboy boots are as beat up as Rocky’s breakfast shake!
    His cowboy boots are as beat up as whatever Michael Jackson was singing about!

  3. His cowboy boots are as beat-up as his mommas heart.

    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as as his credit score.

    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as the ol’ barn out back.

    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as last years Christmas lights.

    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as a flag flying high in the warm summer sky.

  4. His cowboy boots are as beat-up as a boxer’s face at the end of twelve rounds
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as a birthday cake when the last kid has gone
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as a backyard taken over by a pack of big dogs

  5. His cowboy boots are as beat-up as his guts are from the whiskey.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as his Ford truck bed is rusty.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as the roof from last year’s hail storm.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as his aching feet can handle.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as his heart feels from her lies.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as that old chair in the kitchen.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as the flag he took from Nam.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as two bar-room brawlers punching.

  6. His cowboy boots are as beat-up as that teenage boy’s first car.

  7. His cowboy boots are as beat-up as my motivation for work in the office.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as my nose after the flu.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as my dress after dancing all night.
    His cowboy boots are as beat-up as my heart when I see you cry.

  8. His cowboy boots are as beat up as a ’51 sawmill pickup truck.
    His cowboy boots are as beat up as a rejected lover’s heart
    His cowboy boots are as beat up as a barn door kicked by a mad colt
    His cowboy boots are as beat up as a poor golfer’s tee

  9. His cowboy boots are as beat up as Walmart after Black Friday.

    His cowboy boots are as beat up as a little boy’s toys.

    His cowboy boots are as beat up as an Indy racer’s car.

    His cowboy boots are as beat up as Michael Vick’s dog.

  10. beat up as the beak of a woodpecker with the hiccups

  11. His cowboy boots are as beat up as:

    – his empty wallet
    – his grandpa’s old black Bible
    – as the road he traveled down
    – his proud calloused hands
    – as that 3rd grader with a bad Christmas sweater

  12. His cowboy boots are as beat up as the horse he rode in on.

    His cowboy boots are as beat up as a mall Santa Claus in December.

    His cowboy boots are as beat up as an oak tree in a thunder storm.

  13. Pingback: Wordplay Thursday #22 | Man vs. Row

  14. His cowboy boots were as beat-up as his skin and saddle, both thick as leather and tool and tanned by the weather..

  15. His cowboy boots were as beat up as Tina Turner doing a Country Song 🙂

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