Wordplay Thursday #50
July 10, 2014 Muse


Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“He misses her like _____ misses _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“He misses her like John McCain misses Hanoi.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Wow! We’re already at 50 Wordplay Thursdays! Guess I’ve been at this for almost a year, huh? Thanks for making it so much fun!

Thanks to Christopher Litz, Gigi Gostas, Robert Sans, Debbie, Janet Goodman, Dan Retzlaff, Nila, Jerry Childers, Willa Thompson, Amy, Jeff Green, John Brownlee, Mark, and Matt Martoccio for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #49 (read it here)! Great job!


Hey, ya’ll. If you like this blog, then make sure you don’t miss a single post.  I’ll be happy to send each new post directly to your email inbox.  Just let me know where to send it by entering your email address in the “Follow Man vs. Row via E-mail” box either in the top righthand corner or down below.  And I love it when you share this blog through facebook, Twitter, and wherever! Thanks!

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God Bless,


"27" Comments
  1. He misses her like the kite misses the wind….~d

  2. Matt Martoccio

    “He misses her like a kid misses mommy.”

    “He misses her like she misses freedom.”

    “He misses her like country misses Cash.”

    “He misses her like a soldier misses war.”

    “He misses her like the farmer misses the rain.”

  3. He misses her like a broken down Hudson misses the highway.

    He misses her like a junkie in rehab misses a fix.

    He misses her like the desert misses sand.

    He misses her like she misses his last name.

    He misses her like he’d like to think she misses him.

  4. “He misses her like Noah misses the rain.”
    “He misses her like a beached ship misses the tide.”

  5. He misses her like a handful of peanuts misses a coke.
    He misses her like a hand out the window misses the wind.
    He misses her like dry ground misses the rain
    He misses her like a kiss misses soft lips

  6. “He misses her like _____ misses _____.”

    1. He misses her like snow misses rain…
    2. He misses her like a rabbit misses the wolf…
    3. He misses her like night misses day…
    4. He misses her like a snowman misses summer…
    5. He misses her like a convict misses prison…

  7. He misses her like a junebug misses July
    He misses her like a senior misses school
    He misses her like calamity misses a fool
    He misses her like opportunity misses chance

  8. He misses her like ——– misses ——-.

    1. A gambler misses Vegas
    2. LeBron misses Cleveland
    3. Jessi misses Waylon
    4. Bad aim misses the target
    5. A dog misses fleas

  9. Christian Baxter

    “Like she misses him”

  10. He misses her like a kid misses homework.
    He misses her like a judge misses repeat offenders.
    He misses her like Conan misses Leno.
    He misses her like Coke misses Pepsi.
    He misses her like a fly misses fly paper.

  11. He misses her like… A flower misses July. ….a dog misses a bone. …heaven misses an angel.


  12. He misses her like a morning dove misses her mate
    He misses her like Johnny misses June
    He misses her like an LA tourist misses In and Out Burger

  13. He misses her like a hunter misses Autumn.

  14. He misses her like a hound dog misses a flea circus.
    He misses her like a flea circus misses a hound dog.
    He misses her like she misses her freedom.

  15. He misses her like a hound dog misses a flea circus.
    He misses her like a flea circus misses a hound dog.
    He misses her like he misses her freedom.

  16. He misses her like a fat kid misses cake.
    He misses her like a rainy day misses sunshine.
    He misses her like he never thought he’d miss her.

  17. He misses her like bawling calves misses their mama

    He misses her like peanut butter misses jelly

    He misses her like Jesus misses you

    He misses her like the desert misses the rain fall

  18. He misses her like the pitcher missed the bat.

  19. He misses her like I miss you
    He misses her like a desert misses rain
    He misses her like a teacher misses her students when July comes around
    He misses her like Dale missed Roy
    He misses her like parents miss children when they’ve grown up and moved away

  20. He misses her like America misses Bush

  21. Pingback: Wordplay Thursday #51 | Man vs. Row

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