Wordplay Thursday #53
July 30, 2014 Muse

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“Grandpa gives advice like _____ gives _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Grandpa gives advice like a politician gives promises.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


MvR presents your opportunity to visit with new Curb Records artist, Ruthie Collins, as she prepares to release her first single to country radio.  Ruthie and hit songwriter, Brent Baxter, will give you an insider’s look at the reality of songwriting and record-making on Music Row.  But they won’t be the only ones talking- you’re invited to join in the conversation, too! There are only EIGHT tickets available for this intimate get-together.  Click on the image below to find out more!

Know The Row w: Ruthie


Thanks to Debbie74, Dan Retzlaff, Andrew Clayton, Matt Martoccio, Jaredith Mize, Ken Matthiesen, Jim King, John Shouse, Steve, Barney Coulter, Jeff Green, Janet Goodman, Debbie Convoy, Rachel, David Michael, Gigi Gostas, Hale, Robert Sans, Jerry Childers, Scott Blanchard, Vodkajones, Willa Thompson, and mmorgan for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #52 (read it here)! Great job!


Hey, ya’ll. If you like this blog, then make sure you don’t miss a single post.  I’ll be happy to send each new post directly to your email inbox.  Just let me know where to send it by entering your email address in the “Follow Man vs. Row via E-mail” box either in the top righthand corner or down below.  And I love it when you share this blog through facebook, Twitter, and wherever! Thanks!

Twitter: @Razorbaxter


Instagram: Razorbaxter75

God Bless,


"16" Comments
  1. Ken Matthiesen

    Grandpa gives advice like:

    a donor gives blood An Indian gives back Mamma gives directions A child gives hugs A dentist gives out candy A car salesman gives facts A sergeant gives orders Horton gives a hoot Gable gives a damn

  2. Grandpa gives advice like —– gives —–.

    1. My barn cat gives kittens.
    2. Grandma gives hugs.
    3. Tequila gives headaches.
    4. Monday gives the blues.
    5. A steel guitar gives twang..

  3. Like a well gives water.

  4. 1. My dog gives kisses.
    2. Momma gives spankings.
    3. My boss gives raises.
    4. My teacher gives tests.
    5. Alcohol gives hangovers.
    6. A good friend gives love.

  5. Grandpa gives advice like an oak tree gives summer shade.
    Grandpa gives advice like a Holstein gives milk.
    Grandpa gives advice like a wet dog gives a shake.
    Grandpa gives advice like a preacher gives a Sunday sermon.
    Grandpa gives advice like a slot machine gives quarters.

  6. Grandpa gives advice like:

    A chicken gives eggs
    Obama gives a warning
    An owl gives a hoot
    It’s going out of style
    Alka Seltzer gives relief
    Dear Abby
    Ask Jeeves
    A therapist
    Never piss into the wind

  7. …a blind man gives flying lessons
    …Jesus gives grace
    …his grandson gives a s%#* 🙂

  8. a rooster gives eggs
    A bull gives milk
    a cloud gives rain
    the sun gives light

  9. “Grandpa gives advice like bars give divorces”

    “Grandpa gives advice like Jesus gives life”

    “Grandpa gives advice like Brent gives hope”

    “Grandpa gives advice like a teardrop gives compassion”

    “Grandpa gives advice like Santa gives presents”

  10. Grandpa gives advice like ….

    an alcoholic gives in to the bottle

    a broken heart gives up on love

    users give nothing in return

    Salvation Army gives back to its community

    soldiers give freedom

    sinners give in to temptation

  11. Grandpa give advice like a clock gives the time

  12. Grandpa gives advice like a doctors gives you pills!

  13. Grandpa gives advice like time gives wisdom.
    Grandpa gives advice like water gives wet.
    Grandpa gives advice like his eyes give knowing.
    Grandpa gives advice like the preacher gives preachin’.
    Grandpa gives advice like scent gives memory.

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