Wordplay Thursday #57
August 28, 2014 Muse

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“His coffee was as bitter as _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“His coffee was as bitter as an ex-wife.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Matt Martoccio, Debbie74, Janet Goodman, Ken Matthiesen, Paul Alvin Harris, Jim King, Cathy, Mae Young, Ronnie Jones, Amy Nichols, Willa Thompson, Norma Pfaff, Barney Coulter, and Dana Russell for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #56 (read it here)! Great job!


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God Bless,


"21" Comments
  1. His coffee was as bitter as his regret over leaving the way he did.
    His coffee was as bitter as the wind that tore angrily through his shirt.
    His coffee was as bitter as the gruff waitress who served it.

  2. His coffee was as bitter as the truth of her leaving.

    His coffee was as bitter as the taste of her last kiss.

    His coffee was as bitter as the memory of her.

    His coffee was as bitter as her angry words.

    His coffee was as bitter as a bad divorce.

  3. His coffee was as bitter as…his thoughts of her not sweet
    darn !..yet, through all the bitterness she makes his life complete ~d

  4. His coffee was as bitter as his attitude.

    His coffee was as bitter as the tears that he hid.

    His coffee was as bitter as regurgitated ruminations.

    His coffee was as bitter as an unresolved love affair.

    His coffee was as bitter as the smell of a smoking camp coffee pot handle.

  5. His coffee was as bitter as:

    Pinocchio telling lies in a small room

    A zebra in the land of oz

    The old man at the buffet who left his teeth at home

    A lottery winner serving life

    Obama having to come up with a good idea

  6. His coffee was as bitter…..

    1. as a hound that’s lost its litter
    2. a day without his twitter
    3. like the frigid dark cold winter
    4. as his distrust of those that were fitter
    5. as he felt – which made him love it even more, so he took a deep sip and just smiled 🙂

  7. His coffee was as bitter as…..

    ~an unsweetened chocolate baking bar.
    ~finding out your ex married your best friend.
    ~turning in your winning lotto ticket only to find out it expired the day
    ~the wicked witch of the west.
    ~his soon to be ex mother in law.
    ~the pride he had to swallow.

  8. His coffee was as bitter as her leavin’.
    His coffee was as bitter as the frigid winter breeze.
    His coffee was as bitter as his tears.
    His coffee was as bitter as her memory was sweet.
    His coffee was as bitter as the years passin’ by.
    His coffee was as bitter as fear and years of wasted dreamer dreams.
    His coffee was as bitter as he wanted; sting, pucker, & punch

  9. His coffee was as bitter as a sip of regret, as bitter as a jealous ex, as bitter as someone eating humble pie, as bitter as a groom left at the altar, as bitter as a first runner up in a beauty contest

  10. His coffee was as bitter as ——
    – a scorned mistress
    – angosturas
    – lemon drops
    – quinine water
    – a pill of despite

  11. His coffee was as bitter as an unexpected visitor.

    …when she took her ring off her finger.

    …the morning hours without her.

    … Looking through old wedding pictures.

    …lastnight’s attempt get her…

  12. The coffee was as bitter as the day she broke his heart. Now he’s looking for something sweeter but doesn’t know where to start

  13. His coffee was as bitter as the taste of crow he had to eat
    His coffee was as bitter as a sore loser
    His coffee was as bitter as his homemade brew
    His coffee was as bitter as the end of a love affair
    His coffee was as bitter as a weed in a wasteland

  14. His coffee was as bitter as wormwood
    His coffee was as bitter as his jealousy
    His coffee was as bitter as employees without promotions
    His coffee was as bitter as his thoughts of revenge
    His coffee was as bitter as his feelings toward the breakup

  15. His coffee was as bitter as a 5 year divorce proceeding.
    His coffee was as bitter as a chicory beer.
    His coffee was as bitter as a rivalry football game.
    His coffee was as bitter as a mouthful of lemon rind.
    His coffee was as bitter as the battle at the sale counter on Black Friday

  16. His Coffee was as bitter as the tears falling from his eyes.

  17. “His coffee was as bitter as his wife had become.”

    “His coffee was as bitter as a box of unsweetened chocolate.”

    “His coffee was as bitter as the innocent in a 6×8.”

    “His coffee was as bitter as the soldiers wife in black as the bugle sings out.”

    “His coffee was as bitter as the words he used to cut her down.”

  18. Pingback: Wordplay Thursday #58 | Man vs. Row

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