Wordplay Thursday #63
October 9, 2014 Muse

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“The margaritas had her buzzing like _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“The margaritas had her buzzing like the blender she made ’em in.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Steve, Dan Retz, Matt Martoccio, Roger Vines, Dana Russell, Todd Storinge, Mae Young, Barney Coulter, Janet Goodman, and Willa Thompson for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #62 (read it here)! Great job- you folks are funny!


“Cut/Able: Lessons In Market-Smart Songwriting,” is four powerful lessons for songwriters who want cuts & hits, who want to learn how to write commercially marketable songs, & who want their songs to connect powerfully with both fans and Music Row pros. If you want those results, these lessons can help.

As part of the release of “Cut/able,” I’m hosting a live web-event where I’ll answer questions and provide extra content from “Cut/able.”  You’ll also receive a copy of “Cut/able” FREE with your ticket (a $20 value).  The web-shop is on Thursday, October 23, 2014 from 8pm-9pm Central.  Click on the image below to find out more!

MvR Top 10 2


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God Bless,


"11" Comments
  1. The margaritas had her buzzing like drunken bees. She kept giggling non-stop and touching my knee. Her heartache forgotten, she asked me to dance. Said I’m a free woman and you’ve got a chance.

    Happy hour romance at Johnny B’s. Two for one drinks, it works for me.

  2. The margaritas had her buzzing like a honeybee in a Red Bull factory.
    The margaritas had her buzzing like a kazoo glued to an elephants trunk.
    The margaritas had her buzzing like a horse fly in zip lock bag.
    The margaritas had her buzzing like an E string on a yard sale guitar.

  3. The margaritas had her buzzing like sparklers in July.

    The margaritas had her buzzing like fire flies at night.

    The margaritas had her buzzing like a cell phone on a table.

    The margaritas had her buzzing like a Sunbeam electric razor.

  4. …A hive full of Mexican honeybees
    …the kindergarten class at a birthday party

  5. “The margaritas had her buzzing like a cell phone.”

    “The margaritas had her buzzing like Florida’s electric chair”

    “The margaritas had her buzzing like the speakers in the Ford door”

  6. The margaritas had her buzzing like her grandpa’s saw.
    The margaritas had her buzzing like Jimmy Buffet’s old song.
    The margaritas had her buzzing and shaking her maraca’s.

    The margaritas had her buzzing, as she walked along
    She was all alone as she started singing her song
    It started out slow with all her anger inside
    Until it all came out loud and clear and high…

  7. The margaritas had her buzzing like gossip in a small town, buzzing like a bee in a clover field, buzzing like a transformer gone bad, like my head after a night out on the town, buzzing like two old friends catching up with each other’s lives

  8. The margaritas had her buzzing like a:

    Good rumor. Fly in the car. First inhale. Happy honey maker. Finger of a three year old on grandpa’s door bell button.

  9. The margaritas had her buzzin’ like a half-full dozen and a three two-dollar-bill (What???…Exactly)
    The margaritas had her buzzin’ so she tried to kiss her cousin when he helped her down to bed.
    The margaritas had her buzzin’ and her boyfriend had her cussin’ as she pulled off in the rain.
    The margaritas had her buzzin’ but she knew it’s all for nothin’ ’cause she’s always by herself.
    The margaritas had her buzzin’ but the night still wasn’t over so he ordered two for the road.

  10. Pingback: Wordplay Thursday #64 | Man vs. Row

  11. The margaritas had her buzzin’ like a swarm of bees in a tequila factory :–)

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