Inspiration Is The Quarterback, The Songwriter Is The Receiver
November 10, 2014 Craft

Man vs Row

Brent Baxter is a hit songwriter with cuts by Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Lady Antebellum, Joe Nichols, Gord Bamford, Ray Stevens, and more. He’s written a top 5 hit in the US and a #1 in Canada… so far.

If songwriting were football, inspiration would be the quarterback and the songwriter would be the receiver. Like any good receiver, we all want to catch the deep ball- the great idea that’s like a 50-yard touchdown pass. But, also like receivers, we can’t MAKE the QB throw us the ball.

However, there are some things we can do to make it more likely that inspiration will throw us the deep ball.

Get on the field.

Show up to work with your pads and helmet on. Nobody ever caught a touchdown in the locker room. You have to get into the game. Pick up the guitar or the pen and get on the field!

Run reliable routes.

You know you’re not going to get the ball thrown to you on every play. But you still need to build the discipline to be where you’re supposed to be when you supposed to be there… just in case. This means you show up to your writing room on a consistent basis. That way, in case inspiration throws you a great idea, you’re in the right spot to catch it.

Work to get open.

If you run your route halfheartedly and let the defenders cover you, they’ll either keep inspiration from throwing you a great idea, or they’ll knock it down before you catch it. This means you don’t show up to your writing space and spend half your time on Twitter or thinking about what you need to get at the grocery store. These distractions are like the defense- they’ll keep you from being able to catch that great idea. You have to keep your mind “open” to catching it.

Catch the short passes just like the long touchdown passes.

Not every pass (song idea) is supposed to be a touchdown. But just because all inspiration has been throwing lately are short passes, it’s still your job to catch them with good technique… then run like crazy.  That way, when inspiration throws you a touchdown, all you have to do with it is what you’ve done time after time with EVERY idea. You don’t have to freak out (and maybe drop it). You’ve prepared for this moment with every song.

Play like a champion on every play. Write like a champion on every song.

Go Team and God Bless,



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Brent’s Twitter: @Razorbaxter

Brent Baxter Music:

Brent’s Instagram: Man_vs_Row

"6" Comments
  1. Jasper van der Velde

    I like your posts Brent, very inspirational, great analogies. Thanks !

  2. Great article!! I’ve been following your stuff for awhile now. I just made the big move to Nashville from Kansas about 3 months ago. This has helped keep me focused and inspired. Definitely!! Thanks and keep the good stuff coming! Tawna Goforth

    Sent from my iPhone

  3. Very well done as are all of your posts.

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