Wordplay Thursday #102
July 23, 2015 WordPlay

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“Her leaving left him as torn up as _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Her leaving left him as torn up as a woodchuck in a woodchipper.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

And thanks to Trevor, Kim Kondrashoff, Ken Matthiessen, Buddy Lewis, Janet Goodman, Barney Coulter, Eric Tingstad, Brenda Karl, Joe Slyzelia and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #101 (read it here)! Great job!

God Bless,



I’ve added TWO 1-to-1 coaching sessions for THIS WEEKEND, Saturday, July 25 and Sunday, July 26. In this live, one-hour one-to-one coaching session, I’ll give you feedback on your songs, offer career advice, help you tweak a song idea, etc. Basically, it’s my hour to be a resource for you in any way I can.  To find out more, click on the image below!

1-to-1 Coaching

"14" Comments
  1. “Her leaving left him as torn up as _____.”
    -celery in a blender.
    -a page with lots of coupons printed on it.
    -a pitbull’s pillow.
    -an old pair of levi’s.
    -a heart break song.
    -an old bill through a paper shredder.

  2. – “Her leaving left him as torn up as … $30 work boots worn for 30 years at the mill”

    – “Her leaving left him as torn up as … Dysenteric bowels”

    – “Her leaving left him as torn up as … That love letter she wrote him, just before she found out he was being unfaithful”

    – “Her leaving left him as torn up as … good time Charlie after 15 shots of Patron”

    – “Her leaving left him as torn up as … That publishing contract he was about to sign when his song came on the radio”

  3. Her leaving left him as torn up as….

    …Iran’s copy of the nuke deal the day after signing.

    …M. L.’s invitation to be a guest coach on “The Voice.”

    …the coupon Chris Cristie received for a discount on Dannon yogurt.

    …the extra ticket you bought for the Milli Vanilli comeback concert.

    …the backside of the cat being chased by my bulldog Baxter that didn’t quite make it through the gap in the fence.

    • A bulldog named Baxter? I dig it! (Mainly just glad it wasn’t a poodle.)

      • For anyone wondering…”Baxter” was a real English Bulldog of mine, God rest his soul. The line about him catching the cat is a true story. Good news cat lovers, the anonymous cat escaped Baxter’s mighty jaws! (8 lives and counting I guess)

  4. Her leaving left him as torn up as….

    – confetti
    – 10 year old jeans
    – concrete under a jackhammer
    – a jagged edge
    – truck in a tornado

  5. Poodles are much smarter than bulldogs, trust me!

  6. Her leaving left him as torn up as a dog with homework

    Her leaving left him as torn up as the business end of a shredder

    Her leaving left him as torn up as wrapping paper on December 26th

    Her leaving left him as torn up as newspaper in the hands of an infant

  7. Her leaving left him as torn up as…
    …tiny bits of paper caught in a paper shredder
    …shards of glass on a sidewalk
    …an old rag ripped in two
    …grass cuttings clinging to a lawnmower blade
    …a piñata after a party

  8. as torn as:
    a paper doll
    a Chinese condom
    a teenage breakup
    a wrestler’s t-shirt
    a dog toy
    a bad report card
    a stripper in church
    a Hitchcock movie poster
    a roll of toilet paper
    an ex-girlfriend’s photograph
    the jeans at an 80’s festival

  9. as an old newspaper you find in a outhouse.

    as the love letters she’d ripped up & left
    discarded on their bedroom floor…

    as an over priced lottery ticket that he’d slowly & methodically cut up into a million pieces.

  10. Her leaving left him as torn up as…
    knees after a wiping out on a gravel driveway.
    the field under Lee Brice’s truck.
    the wallpaper after we inherited grama’s house.
    the couch cushions after leaving the puppy home alone all day.
    shoelaces in a bike chain.

  11. Her leaving left him as torn up as:

    a California freeway after an earthquake

    a Pinata after a child’s birthday party

    ticker tape on the stock market floor

    a kitchen on “fixer upper”

    the hem of her dress that got caught in the car door as she sped away

  12. Her leaving left him as torn up as his Chevy after the demolition derby.

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