Wordplay Thursday #139
April 21, 2016 WordPlay

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

And this week, let’s try to get at least ONE IMAGE in at least one of your plays.

“Our laundry’s piled up like ______.”

(I’ll be honest.  This one hits close to home.  Anyway….)

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Our laundry’s piled up like a stack of overdue bills.

Wordplay Thursday

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

And thanks to Mitch Matthews, Ken Matthiesen, Nick S, Terry Reynolds, Louis Blanchard, Tommy Kib, Linda Keser, Brandon Tijolo Russ, Jim King, Ty Devine, Nancy Deckant, Todd, Marty McPherson, Joe Slyzelia, and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #138 (read it here)! Great job!

Since strong imagery is such an important part of professional-level songwriting, I’ve put together a course on imagery. It’s called, “Use Imagery To Supercharge Your Songwriting (Like The Pros Do)” and it’s available now!

The course guides you as you learn to:

  1. Effectively use both literal and figurative imagery.
  2. Make your story come to life using imagery.
  3. Prove your character’s personality using imagery.
  4. Make your listener connect to your character’s emotions using imagery.
  5. Hook your listener in the song’s first few lines using imagery.
  6. And begin more songs (more easily) using imagery exercises as the start of your songwriting process.

And since we’re all songwriters, that means you might not have the means to pay for the full course right now.  Not to worry.  I’ve made three packages of the course available.  Each one has great, helpful content.  Just choose the one that works best for you by CLICKING HERE.

And there is an upcoming LIVE imagery workshop on Tuesday, May 17.  Not only does it come with all the course materials, I’ll be there to answer your questions and walk you through some great material not covered in the course!

If you’re ready to “Use Imagery To Supercharge Your Songwriting (Like The Pros Do)” CLICK HERE or on the image below.


God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


Man vs Row

"27" Comments
  1. “Our laundry’s piled up like ______.”

    chips at the blackjack table.

    Grandpa’s fire wood.

    Where having a going out of business sale.

  2. Oh our laundry’s piled up like a
    10 car wreck
    On an iced-over,
    Interstate bridge…

  3. Our laundry’s piled up like ____.

    …the dirty dishes in the sink that never seems to end.
    …a beeping dump truck just backed up to my house and dropped off a load.
    …a reminder to stay humble.

  4. … my bucket list
    …. a dreamer’s unreleased hits
    …my honey-do list
    …my Monday morning blues
    …complaints at a critics convention

  5. “Our laundry’s piled up like ______.”

    …a clothing display with a twist

  6. Our laundry piled up like _________.
    – falling leaves from Fall’s arrival
    – dumb drivers in a demo derby
    – cords of freshly cut firewood
    – a manure pile from our Morgan mare
    – dirty dishes from Daddy’s dinner

  7. Our laundry is piled up like…..

    -the rubble in the aftermath of an earthquake

    -my daughter’s possessions in my garage after college graduation

    -the dust bunnies under the bed

    -old cars in a junk yard

    – the boxes of Christmas decorations stored in the attic

  8. Louis Blanchard

    Like cord wood

  9. “Our laundry’s piled up like ______.”
    -proof the week’s been fun.
    -a laundry mat owner’s dream.
    -the maid’s been gone a month.
    -a temple honoring the god of lazy.
    -some sort of laboratory growth in a sci-fy movie.

  10. Our laundry is piled up like bags of trash lazy roommates forget to take out.

  11. Our laundry’s piled up like cars on the LA freeway

  12. Our laundry’s piled up like….
    mom’s to-do list
    beer cans after a Saturday watching football games all day long

  13. Our laundrys piled up like the leaves in the fall.

  14. … your excuses, now get over here and help me clean it up!

  15. Our laundry’s piled up like the high school football team on game night

  16. “Our laundry’s piled up like ______.”

    – Dishes on Thanksgiving afternoon
    – Debris on the banks of the recently over bank bayous
    – Rugby players on each other when the ball is loose and the game is on the line
    – the carpet and sheet rock getting cut out of houses in the flooded zones
    – the $154 in small bill tips from my tip jar on Mardi Gras night! AIIIEEE! and #tbtG!

  17. Our laundry’s piled up like….
    ..a lumberjack’s stack of pancakes
    .. an African ant hill
    .. our own Teton mountains

  18. Our laundry is piled up like….
    Our laundry is always piled up.

  19. Like my half written songs and old(guitar) jack cords.

  20. …the snow in the mall parking lot in February.

    …Rapunzel’s hair after she gets a pixie cut.

    …football players on a fumbled pigskin.

  21. Our laundry is piled up like…

    …rush-hour traffic

    …Warren Buffett’s bank account

    …a game of Twister Gone Wild

  22. Our laundry’s piled up like textbooks on the last day of school.
    Our laundry’s piled up like cheerleaders after a wobbly pyramid.
    Our laundry’s piled up like broken drumsticks after a heavy metal festival.
    Our laundry’s piled up like jewel cases on a publisher’s desk.
    Our laundry’s piled up like crumpled paper balls in poet’s garbage can.
    Our laundry’s piled up like empty beer cans in a saturday morning frat house.

  23. “Our laundry’s piled up, like we, can’t afford the soap.”
    doon doon doon
    “Our laundry’s piled up like we got enough money
    for a new. set. of clothes.”
    dun dun dun
    “Our laundry’s piled up
    like my momma’s gonna wash em
    N we gonna sleep in
    til noon-oon-oon…”
    “Our laundry’s piled up like we got nowhere to go!

    Just for fun… know y’all did these already… sorry

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