Wordplay Thursday #141
May 5, 2016 WordPlay

Wordplay Thursday

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

And this week, let’s try to get at least ONE IMAGE in at least one of your plays.

“Love is _____.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Love is holding your wife’s hair when she has morning sickness.

Wordplay Thursday

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

And thanks to Dionne Kumpe, Kevin James Lynch, David Baugh, Johnny Grant, Donna King, Shawn Van Namen, Ty Devine, Tommy Kib, Ken Matthiesen, Joe MacKennon, Larry M Clark, Brandon Tijolo Russ, Linda Keser, Todd, Nick S, Kim Kondrashoff, Joe Slyzelia, Paul Willis and everyone else for your great additions to Wordplay Thursday #140 (read it here)! Great job!

Since strong imagery is such an important part of professional-level songwriting, I’ve put together a course on imagery. It’s called, “Use Imagery To Supercharge Your Songwriting (Like The Pros Do)” and it’s available now!

The course guides you as you learn to:

  1. Effectively use both literal and figurative imagery.
  2. Make your story come to life using imagery.
  3. Prove your character’s personality using imagery.
  4. Make your listener connect to your character’s emotions using imagery.
  5. Hook your listener in the song’s first few lines using imagery.
  6. And begin more songs (more easily) using imagery exercises as the start of your songwriting process.

And since we’re all songwriters, that means you might not have the means to pay for the full course right now.  Not to worry.  I’ve made three packages of the course available.  Each one has great, helpful content.  Just choose the one that works best for you by CLICKING HERE.

And there is an upcoming LIVE imagery workshop on Tuesday, May 17.  Not only does it come with all the course materials, I’ll be there to answer your questions and walk you through some great material not covered in the course!

If you’re ready to “Use Imagery To Supercharge Your Songwriting (Like The Pros Do)” CLICK HERE or on the image below.


God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


Man vs Row

"31" Comments
  1. Love is late night talks, early morning walks and meeting for lunch mid-day. It’s laughing, crying, tickle and high-fiving. It’s dreaming, so-mad-that-you-could-screaming and clinging to what you have. It’s more, so much more, than you bargained for.

  2. Love is
    -her scent on my pillow.
    -when we hear our song and she takes my hand.
    -an escort for your heart when life pens you in.
    -a waterfall of passion.
    -knowing not to say no and when to say yes.
    -sitting through a 2 1/2 hour chic flic with a theater full of giggling, then sobbing, women and being awake when she looks over for a smile.

  3. Love is changing her tire in the pouring rain.

  4. love is a rose at the end of a thorny stem.
    love is a fuel that burns my dying soul.
    love is like a mirage on a hopeless barren desert.
    love is a love letter to the universe.

  5. Joe MacKinnon

    “Love is _____.”

    …tying me in knots and holding me hostage
    ….locking my heart and tossing the key
    …the ferris wheel that stops at the top
    … like winding a watch and hoping it don’t stop
    … trembling deep inside at the thought it might soon die
    …on life support

  6. Barney Coulter

    Love is ___________.
    – unconditional and often unknown
    – blind and stupid
    – a sensation of the heart and head
    – a blissful business
    – a crisp early spring morning, with a mare gently nudging her newborn colt, as the sun rises over the countryside…

  7. Love is,
    My 8 year old, slippin’ his hand in mine…
    On the first day of the new school year.

    Love is,
    Little white lie I told, about his big brother cryin’ too,
    So he wouldn’t feel bad for sheddin’ a tear.

    Love is grace,
    When you ain’t earned it
    A pat on the back, from…
    The one you turned it to.
    Yeah love is,
    The goodness…
    We do.

  8. Love is losing yourself in helping others achieve there expectations in life
    Love is giving 100% of your time raising the family life.
    Love is forgiving, it is kind, and never expects anything in return.
    Love is a genuine tool that comes in many forms and it holds no boundaries.

    • Love is learning from your mistakes, and learning from other people’s mistakes… Love is worth fighting for… Love is being true to you and others around you. Love is never ending.

  9. Larry M Clark

    Love is the ultimate connector between birth and death.

  10. Debbie Convoy

    Love is …praying to God to switch places with your spouse in that hospital bed..
    Love is….the moment you and your newborn truly meet eyes for the first and forever bonding moment
    Love is…when the stress of your job becomes unbearable and he says “quit…it’s ok we’ll be fine ” even though finances are tight.
    Love is ….when your dog sits next to you on the couch while you cry for no particular reason

  11. Love is…..
    Didnt we do this one recently??

    • I don’t think so… anyway, if we did, just dig deeper! (And really, if there’s one well we should keep going back to, it’s love!)

  12. Love is a lie…be my alibi

  13. Billy Sweeney

    Love is a lie, be my alibi

  14. Love is the kindness you give yourself after not meeting your own expectations.

  15. Kim Kondrashoff

    Love is like a wild roller coaster ride & it when abruptly ends…I’ve heard people say, ” What just happened??? ”
    Love is sharing your lunch with the quiet little red head freckled girl…sitting next you in class…who never seems to have enough.
    Love is an experience than can be quite intoxicating & yet extremely painful at the same time.
    Love is a concept I’ve spent a life time trying to figure out…& I’m still trying…
    Love is a universal theme in all kinds of songs depicting to have & have not.
    Love is to some folks…just a 4 lettered word…& to others…it’s such an overwhelming physical & emotional intense feeling of deep affection…it’s almost impossible for them to find the right words to let one know…how they feel…

  16. Todd Dickinson

    Love is the space between my fingers,
    Where her’s fit just right…
    When her hand’s intertwined,
    With mine…

  17. Love is an unseen force, like gravity pulling you closer.

    Love is passing up the front parking spot, so the little white haired lady behind the wheel of the car behind you can have it.

    Love is blue, like the deepest depths of the ocean, with unusual and beautiful things to discover if you’re willing to go there.

    Love is the answer to every question.

  18. Jennifer Thurston

    Not saying the things you want to,
    when you know it’d do no good.
    Staying the course against your will,
    trusting Him who said you should.
    Reminding yourself of good times,
    when they seem so far away.
    Rejoicing in those precious things
    He gives us everyday.

  19. Love is always there around you, blue white charged crackling explosive energy awaiting touch and spark to ignite, engulf, consume, exhaust and leave breathless unmasked souls gasping, open, whole, spent, and ever grateful for your spark.

  20. steve Brackin

    Love is gonna stay when the world is tearing you away.
    Love is walking cross the supercenter for Crest and you aint got one tooth in your head.
    Love is at home on saturday night.
    Love is warm in a cold dark night (but there’s always dawn)

  21. Love is sometimes a sweet, sour or rotten tomato.

  22. Joe MacKinnon

    “Love is _____.”

    …a blank canvas, two hands and one brush

  23. Love is helping move furniture out of her 7th floor apartment on a Saturday afternoon in July.
    Love is a candle flickering on John Lennon’s gravestone.
    Love is.

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