Wordplay Thursday #170
January 12, 2017 WordPlay

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

“I’m as tired as __________.”

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things- and try to get IMAGERY in at least one of your plays!

“I’m as tired as  ________.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“I’m as tired as your whiskey-breath excuses.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

Wordplay Thursday is a fun way to generate new song ideas- and who doesn’t need more song ideas?  If you’d like an inside look at the techniques I use to find song idea after song idea- ideas that YOU can use, too- I have just thing for you!


God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


"31" Comments
  1. Brandon Anthony Russ

    I’m tired as !%$@

    I KID! I KID!

    I’m tired as the 100 year old wooden bridge over the creek.

  2. I’m as tired as: yesterday’s lies;
    a seagull in a hurricane;
    an old farmer with just one more row to hoe;
    the folds of her last love letter;
    the pedals of a kid’s first bike;

  3. Tired as a … hibernating bear

  4. I’m as tired as:
    The lines I can trace on your face.
    A good tired can be.
    The ice clinging to life at the bottom of my whisky glass.
    Tired can be, since I broke free.
    As the wilting flowers he gave you last night

  5. Kris Rogge Fisher

    Just can’ t resist –

    I’m as tired as a dead pig in the sunshine

    Channeling my grandma this morning. ?

  6. I’m tired as_____.
    – my four bald ones
    – a new puppy Christmas gift
    – the Presidential election of 2016
    – a first-time marathon runner at the 12 mile mark
    – lazy river running upstream

  7. I’m as tired as an old hound dog trying to scratch a tick

  8. I’m as tired as-
    -a Bridgestone tractor trailer leaving the factory.
    -the old kite on a windless day.
    -the sun in Seattle.
    -the eyes of the homeless man.

  9. I’m as tired as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

  10. I’m as tired as……….

    the cameraman filming a hot new dig on Oak Island

    the lazy dog that the quick brown fox jumped over

    the doorman to Noah’s Arc who’s tryin’ to keep the 3rd monkey out ? (sorry- kinda’ stole that concept from some good folk!)

    the person standing behind Dr. Ben Carson when he speaks

    you are over Trump’s tweets

  11. “I’m as tired as____”

    … this hurt I can’t shake
    …a dream on its’ last legs,
    hittin’ the knees for one more pray
    …those sugar-coated lines I’ve been fed,
    only so many times I can shake this ol’ head
    …a back-breaking forty-hour week,
    followed by a weekend I can’t wait to repeat
    …this guessing game that won’t seem to end

  12. I’m as tired as…

    Dolly Parton’s buttons.

    The thoughts of you that keep running through my mind.

    Christmas lights in February.

  13. I’m as tired as :
    -a pre-school teacher at 2pm.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  14. I’m as tired as
    A lame excuse for coming home late again

  15. I’m as tired as a one lane road to a Willie Nelson 4th of July Picnic

    I’m as tired as a high E string on a Neil Young lead break

    I’m as tired as an old cliche – You gotta pay to play – Love will find a way

  16. Kevin James Lynch

    I’m as tired as a dipstick in your crankcase.
    I’m as tired as a bad joke
    I’m as tired as a NatGeo re-run
    I’m as tired as elevator music
    I’m as tired as an infomercial
    I’m as tired as a 1960 Chevy pick-up

  17. I’m tired as that helium balloon on the floor.

    I’m tired as the sun spreading its colors at dusk.

    I’m tired as those oak leaves hanging on in the October wind.

  18. I’m tired as that helium balloon on the floor.

    I’m tired as the sun spreading its colors at dusk.

    I’m tired as those oak leaves hanging on in the October wind.

  19. .. as the rabbit at the dog track
    .. as the bullpen catcher in an extra innings game the fan in those games
    .. as a spawning salmon
    .. as a hummingbird on a moving flower
    .. as the father of four after a long day of work and worry

  20. I’m as tired as
    A street corner preacher
    Trying to save our souls

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