Wordplay Thursday #14
October 24, 2013 WordPlay


Here’s a writing prompt for you.  It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank.  You can use one word or several.  Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want.  The point is to get the creative juices flowing.  And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you.  Try coming up with at least five things.

“If you want love, ______.”

I’ll give you one example to get you started:

“If you want love, let go of fear.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments.  Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating.  It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to Andrew Clayton, Cathy, Johnny Guest, Sabrina, heardbyateacher, ajarnderek, britneepowell22, Wally Henderson, Mark, and Steve for their great additions to Wordplay Thursday #13 (read it here)!  Great job!


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God Bless,


"21" Comments
  1. If you want love, give it away

  2. If you want love: Be it Show it Don’t wait around for it

  3. If you want love…
    …jump in with both feet.
    …lean in without a net.
    …don’t expect love.
    …don’t pack a parachute.
    …give her your soul.

  4. Give Yours Away

  5. If you want love, you’re gonna have to pay, but it ain’t really love unless you give it away…

  6. -be nice
    -give some suga to your booga
    -leave your heart open and let it grow wings
    -don’t take it for granted
    -don’t confuse it with sex

  7. If you want love, you must share it with a friend
    Like the rain fills the ocean, which gives it back again

  8. Return it
    multiple not divide
    embrace not replace
    show and tell
    make it grow throw Hell

  9. If you want love come ride in my truck
    If you want love stop running scared
    If you want love try to smile a little
    If you want love you need to give a little
    If you want love go down to widow’s creek
    If you want love keep away from Bobby Brown (but if you want…)

  10. If you want love, be ready to fight
    If you want love, let it happen
    if you want love, think twice
    If you want love, than you give what you get
    If you want love, love back

  11. if you want love, give me a gentle nudge
    if you want love, don’t turn push into shove
    if you want love, you should of and I could of
    if you want love, lets see what you’re made of

  12. If you want love…
    Don’t write it on a cardboard sign
    Don’t say it to just any guy
    Don’t fight it when love hits you hard
    Don’t give up if it leaves you scarred

  13. If you want love
    …make love
    …buy a dog
    …you need me
    …I want love

  14. If you want love, stop flirting with hate…
    Stop Inviting bitter thoughts to come home after your first date…

    If you want love, learn to speak it’s language….

    Nate James

    Posted as “heardbyateacher” last week.

  15. If you want love,
    take a look at the stars above
    Hear the cooing of a turtle dove,
    find a woman that fits like a glove
    It’s everywhere, take a dare
    If you want love

  16. If you want love, let your walls crumble
    Take a step, don’t worry if you stumble
    Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then

  17. Be love.

  18. If you want love then step back and assess
    the fools chasing it with longing hearts
    from the back row, follow the sun to the west
    for the first time notice she was there from the start

  19. If you want love….. stay clear of future regrets.
    …..follow your heart & soul.
    …..let go of your broken hearted past.
    …’ll always find it listening to the verses from any country song.
    …..just ask Brad Paisley, he always has an answer for everything!

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