Wordplay Thursday #22
December 19, 2013 Muse


Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things.

“Without a map, they were as lost as _______.”

I’ll give you two examples to get you started:

“Without a map, they were as lost as an Easter egg on Independence Day.”

“Without a map, they were as lost as a child sitcom star’s chance at a normal life.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!


Thanks to dju316, Roger Vines, Matt Martoccio, Janet Goodman, DPLblog, Willa Thompson, Samary, TopazThyme, MG, Karl Brandt, Paul Alvin Harris, and Julie Malewski for their great additions to Wordplay Thursday #21 (read it here)! Great job!


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"18" Comments
  1. Without a map there were as lost “as an Eskimo in Times Square

  2. Without a map, they were as lost as a Penguin in Panama.
    Without a map, they were as lost as 32kbit/s.
    Without a map, they were as lost as a SciFi plot.

  3. Without a map, they were as lost as a sinner with no religion, no regret.
    Without a map, they were as lost as a punk rocker at a polka convention.
    Without a map, they were as lost as a fireman in a fire-proof town.
    Without a map, they were as lost as a bloodhound with a stuffy nose.
    Without a map, they were as lost as an apple in an orange grove.

  4. Without a map, they were as lost as a man without faith.

  5. Without a map, they were as lost as a lyric without a melody.

    Without a map, they were as lost as santa with no sleigh.

    Without a map, they were as lost as the world before Jesus.

    Without a map, they were as lost as Moses in the desert.

    Without a map, they were as lost as his soul.

    Without a map, they were as lost as the needle they dropped in the hay stack.

  6. an A&E producer in a theological debate

    GQ magazine on a duck hunt

    a cheerio under the edge of a kitchen cabinet

    a Mr Magoo cartoon in a PC world

    Peppermint Patty at a Barbie Convention

  7. Without a map they were as lost as granddad at the Gap

  8. -little bo peep’s sheep
    -that meatball that rolled off the spaghetti and out the front door when somebody sneezed
    a fish in a tree
    the sock that didn’t make to the clothes folding pile

  9. Without a map, they were as lost as listening to music without any sound.
    ….a country singer singing hard core rap.
    ….a hard core rapper singing a country song.
    ….a poet with no words to rhyme.
    ….Brad Paisley never learning how to play a guitar.
    ….trying to find a corner in a round room.

  10. …gold without the glitter
    …sweet without the bitter

    ***Brent – are you still mentoring at NSAI? I sent you a message through SoundCloud***

  11. I registered about 10:00pm on 10/22. I entered my email address 2 or 3 times and then again this morning and no I haven’t received any emails from this blog. To be certain, I also registered through ReverbNation and did receive a confirmation email for that list.

    • Well, dang. Sorry Steven (and whoever else). I’m pasting the text below from WordPress. Maybe one of these tips will work.


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  12. Pingback: Wordplay Thursday #23 | Man vs. Row

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