Wordplay Thursday #183
April 13, 2017 WordPlay

Welcome to Wordplay Thursday!

“Monday is __________.”

Here’s a writing prompt for you. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blank. You can use one word or several. Feel free to get as crazy, genre-appropriate, or as imaginative as you want. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. And it’s a good thing to dig deeper, so don’t stop at the first idea that hits you. Try coming up with at least five things- and try to get IMAGERY in at least one of your plays!

“Monday is  ___________.”

I’ll give you an example to get you started:

“Monday is a 9-hour prison in khaki shackles.”

I’d love to hear what you come up with, so please share in the comments. Oh, and please keep your posts below an R-rating. It’s a family show, after all!

Wordplay Thursday is a fun way to generate new song ideas- and who doesn’t need more song ideas?  If you’d like an inside look at the techniques I use to find song idea after song idea- ideas that YOU can use, too- I have just thing for you!


God Bless and Enjoy the Journey,


"10" Comments
  1. Monday is my day,
    Monday is my last day back.
    Monday is never sunny.
    Monday can wait.
    Monday is like a tick waiting take your blood.

  2. Monday is Friday’s evil twin

  3. Monday is…….

    a mouthy alarm clock Kung-Fu knockdown drag out.

    a company email inbox wagging it’s tail and waiting to be taken out.

    Saturday’s social media video just being social, and throwing you under the bus.

    my easy button malfunctioning.

    auditioning over the phone for the role of a sick and dying man.

    being the pooper-scooper, rollerskating cowboy clown, who follows the weekend’s trotting (?) parade horses.

  4. Monday is payback for my weekend party

  5. Monday is the green light on the Christmas tree for the weekly drag.

  6. Monday is a coffee pot calling my name

    Monday is a hangover that happens every week

    Monday is like a cheap pair of socks at TJ Max and Friday is like a Louis Vuitton handbag

  7. Monday is…
    – not worth discussing
    – what you deserve, after Saturdy night’s sinning and missing Sunday church.
    – the ashes of a hot weekend
    – half of a Mama and Papa’s song
    – a blues day
    the day before Tuesday
    Not the one I’d choose day

  8. Monday is a ball dancing on a spinning roulette wheel.
    Monday is Sunday’s morning after.
    Monday is starring down the top of a double black diamond run and going for it.
    Monday is like the mogul that pops up out of nowhere.
    Monday is business card opportunity.

  9. Monday is……
    The Mac’s Monday song!
    I got traffic on my mind!
    You sure look fine!
    Then you get on down the line!
    But I don’t mind!

    Cuz this aint mine, it be the Mac’s!

  10. Monday is the boomtown rats reminding me of how much I appreciate it
    I feel like shooting the whole day because
    Monday is banging headaches over drinking the day before listening to songs by the weeknd because i feel it coming. What is??
    Monday is coming. Its here. Waking up and going to sleep early for work or college so let’s get back into the routine.

    Monday is a bank holiday. A day off. A treat that the world gave us like an owner to his dog.
    Monday is the start.

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